Critical time for our Country

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Nov 24, 2012
In the aftermath of the Sandy Hook atrocity, this nation is rapidly approaching a critical defining moment. The choice to be made is whether to stand with Freedom and 236 years of excellence which has led our course to become the greatest nation on Earth, or to capitulate to the wrong thinking which tells us that we cannot properly raise our young, or care for our mentally ill so that we must give up our rights.
Many consider the gun enthusiast to be on the edge of reason, on the outskirts of acceptability. But this is a moving line, like a circle which with time draws ever tighter around the neck of liberty and of happiness. Where will this line be in 100 years? 200? Will our America be even recognizable to a Patriot? Maybe things like speaking one's mind will be seen as extraneous. Or reading what you like. After all if these things do not help our society and could be perilous to our government, what good are they?
As painful as the result of this atrocity is for neighbors and politicians, it is even more painful to patriotic law abiding gun owners. For not only do we as fathers, mothers, sons and daughters, mourn the loss of these innocent lives, we also must now face a direct assault on our rights, and culture. Heavy hearts.
This country, and our liberties are worth fighting for and preserving. Now more than ever is the time to choose Freedom! I say let us hold our heads high and promptly go about doing the good things which must be done. We can choose liberty, AND protect our children.
One of the most excellent speaches I've heard....

It's too bad "They" can't hear it.
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