Cross over problems

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Oct 3, 2010
Hi Guys
I am running in to a problem that I dont know how to fix, I got myself involded into Trap Shooting: and at times I do this circle thing at the target just as I am pulling the trigger, I am a right handed shooter with Right eye dominance and I shoot with both eyes open. I was told by a fellow shooter that whats happening is that with hard left targets that my left eye is picking up the target causing me to move the gun to the left then my dominant right eye picks the target back up causing me to move the gun barrel back to the right: making my circle! it don't happen all the time, but enough that it messes with my score's. I was told to put a peace of scotch tape on my shooting glasses over my left lens and that would keep my left eye from taking over for that quick moment.
Is there a better way of dealing with this problem? I put a peace of tape on here at home just to test this out and it feels really weird walking around this way. I would really appreaciate any ones help over this crazy problem.:banghead:
The only way I can shoot skeet is with a patch on the left lens. I try to make the patch small, but not too small, so that when I am looking down the barrel my left eye is obscured. I am able to pick up the target with both eyes when looking to the side.

Problem I have is I have to try and not try to look around the patch.

I prefer to use frosted tape.

It took a little while to get used to.

Hope this helps.
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