Crowds wait up to 14 hours to get Hillary to sign book

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Some of the radio stations in San Antonio were (rather gleefully) reporting that there were NO lines to purchase this waste of paper. They even had on the manager of a local Borders, who sounded kind of desperate.

Gee, I wonder how many votes the beetch would get in South Texas?
An AM radio show around me was claiming they paid stumblebums $20 to fill out the line to 1000+.
Did the book come with just a 4 pack of crayons or the whole 8? As H.L.Mencken observed, 'No one every went broke underestimating the [taste] of teh American public . . . '
at a loss to understand

We keep hearing these superlatives attached to Hillary. Will someone cite for me just one real accomplishment, done on her own, in this woman's resume? Even a leftie would come up empty.

I suspect that crowd was waiting to see whether the Empress really did have any clothing...

Hillary is famous because she is famous.
Hey guys,

You gotta remember something. This took place in New Yawk (THE ARMPIT OF AMERICA). Would you expect something different from this dump?

I would really like to think this kind of pathetic behavior would not happen any where else except maybe NJ, CONN, CA and MD.

Anyway, I can honestly say that the reviews have basically said the book is BORRRRRING.

Please guys, wherever you live in the real America, be thankful every day of your life you're there and not here.

Safe shooting.
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