(CT) Gun bill should fail

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Dec 24, 2002
Moscow on the Colorado, TX
Gun bill should fail

Monday, April 17, 2006

Let's say you go on a two-week vacation and leave one of your family's two cars parked in your garage. Two days after your departure, someone breaks into the garage, steals the car and uses it to flee after robbing a gasoline station.

Imagine how fair and just it would seem if, two days after that, you were arrested on felony charges of being an accessory to the robbery because a new state law requires owners of stolen cars to report their thefts within three days or take responsibility for anything done with their car.

You didn't know the car was stolen? Well, the new law assumes you should have known. That it was stolen despite being locked in the garage merely indicates you did not store it safely enough. Next time, dig a pit in the backyard and bury it.

Sound preposterous? Substitute "firearm" for "car" and you have House Bill 5818, currently on the calendar in the legislature.

House Bill 5818 makes it a crime to fail to report the loss or theft of a firearm within 72 hours from the time when the owner knew "or should have known" that the weapon was stolen.

Your next car is just a click away! CTAutoX.com
Further, if police recover the firearm before it's reported missing, the bill takes that not merely as automatic evidence of a violation of the law, but also as proof of an illegal firearm transfer.

Obviously, the bill is not an attack on crime but on firearm ownership. Obviously, the intent is not to prevent the theft of firearms but to make owning one an intolerable burden.

Obviously, House Bill 5818 needs to be defeated.

Let's hope this fails.

When I first heard the first section, I thougth it was reasonable, but after further thinking, it is nuts.

1. "Should have know" is subjective. That can vary depending on the officer.
2. Currently, private sales of rifles and shotguns, except at gun shows, are not recorded by the state. This will give the state a reason to make all private sales recorded.
3. If they find the gun before you report it stolen, you go to jail. That could mean that if your gun gets stolen and recovered while your at work- your skrewed.

This has to be stopped in the legislature. I believe that Rell will sign this if passed:cuss:
When i was a kid, my mum told me "Never assume things"...

looks like the gub-mint critters missed that bit of wisdom...

"the bill takes that not merely as automatic evidence of a violation of the law, but also as proof of an illegal firearm transfer."

Automatic? you mean Assumed...

Obviously, the bill is not an attack on crime but on firearm ownership. Obviously, the intent is not to prevent the theft of firearms but to make owning one an intolerable burden.

I wonder why the People's Republic of California doesn't already have such a law.
I emailed my opposition to this bill to both my state rep and the Gonvernor. No reply from either. :banghead:
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