Curios & Relics question

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Dec 24, 2002
upstate NY
I'm finally getting around to sending my C&R License. When I ordered my forms for some reason I ordered a Form ATF F 5330.20 along with the ATF F 7CR. The ATF F 5330.20 is for Certification of Compliance with 18 U.S.C. 922. Basically its a proof of citizenship form. Do I need to fill out and send this to the ATF along with the ATF F 7CR form? I was born in the USA. Thanks Tim
Yes you should. Even if heypete got away with it its still in your best interest to complete the form and send it in with the application.

Yes, fill it out. You are the person verifying that you are a US citizen. I know, it makes no sense, but that is the government for you.

Enjoy your new life.

Earlier this year I applied for a C&R and didn't send in a citizenship form. ATF sent me a form to complete. Delayed my license for a couple of weeks, no doubt.

When I printed my copy of the forms the Certification of Citizenship form was a two page document. The only thing on the second page was a statement about how this particular document was in compliance with the Reduction of Paperwork Act. Why did they need a second piece of paper to tell me how they reduced paperwork? and how is it a reduction of paperwork for me to certify that I myself am a citizen, I promise, honest, cross-my-heart-and-hope-to-die.

Yes, complete both forms.
Thanks for the replies. Gee I didn't get any email notices that people had replied to my question here. I must have done something wrong in my original post. Its funny I was just reading over at that there is a new form that has a section to pay with a credit card, also the citizenship information is right on the C&R licence form now. The form I have, I recieved last Nov. so maybe I'll order the new ones. Thanks Tim
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