CZ Shotguns

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I have a .28 Bobwhite that i use on doves and quail. while i have not put thousands of rounds thru it i am satisfied with it so far
I've heard good things about them, but wanted to point out that they just have the CZ name on them, they are actually made in Turkey by a company called Huglu.
The current view on Huglu guns is that the quality is hit and miss, but they are getting better. (Think back to the early days of Toyota, etc.). Since these are made in Turkey, do not confuse them with the rifles and pistols made elsewhere. It isn't that they can't make top quality guns, (some companies like UTAS do), it's just that Huglu isn't quite there yet and they are building to a economical price point.

If your volume isn't that great, you might give them a try. Most complaints seem centered around the triggers and ejectors not working properly for very long.
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I have a 20 ga OU made by Huglu (CZ) and really like it. It is my favorite Grouse/Woodcock gun. I have probably 2000 rounds thru it and have had no problems of any kind. Compare prices vs other OUs, and be sure to shoulder any shotgun you may consider buying.
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