Dang...I Think We Need THIS Guy! (Badnarik)

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i'm a long-time libertarian who voted constitution party last time. i'll be voting badnarik next time.
The 2004 election was the first election in which I was eligible to vote for a Presidential Candidate. I voted for Badnarik. It may not have made a difference, but at least I have a clear consience. I suspect I'll continue to do so as long as the Democrats and Republicans continue to bring forth unelectable candidates.
It will have made a difference if you make sure to tell people who you voted for and why.

Your vote is private from the state, it shouldn't necessarily be so from your fellow citizens.
I voted for Badnarik.
And "throwing your vote away" is b.s. One of the main reasons there have been no changes is too many people believe this.
When the libertarians show they have enough accuman to even run a campaign maybe they will be entrusted with actually governing the people.

If you are going to throw your votes away at least vote for someone that has shown they are capable.

They cannot even run a grassroots movement and they want to run the country?
I don't so much consider throwing it away as I see it as more to the effect of being useless. For right now the best idea IMO is voting in the guy that will do less damage for the president. And in the mean time getting libertarians in the senate and house in elections they can actually win.

Two reasons for this. One- The vote isn't doing anything. He will not get elected, he wont get media attention, it isn't doing anything but letting it be open season for the bigger or lesser idiot in the white house. A third party has a hard time getting notoriety with the masses and without that you can't win. That and people have no idea what the party stands for let alone the person. A few votes in states he manages to get on the ballet in isn't going to get him the needed votes to get notoriety. And they have no voting record. Even if you could get the people to see him they don't know what the heck he will do. They know how Democrats vote, they know how republicans vote...at least generally. By getting them into elections they can win for the house and senate you get them known. You also get a voting record, something they can point to what they and the party in general stand for in votes and not simply words. Politicians lie all the time and people know that, but they know what they do or do not for.

Two- The president has little power when it comes to really making changes. Getting senators in there effects much more ability to pass and introduce law that actually changes something. A libertarian president and a house and senate with no libertarians in it will effect very little change other then scaring the two major parties.
Well, I voted for Libertarian Congresspeople also. I know Congress calls the shots.
They are, my point is simply that the resources are better spent in elections which can be won and will have more impact anyway. Rather than on a bid for president which will prove fruitless and have little if any impact on change in the country, if anything a libertarian president with no libertarians in congress (or at least not enough to wield a good amount of power) will be one of the most stagnant four years a president has ever had.

As they gain power and noterity then they should start running presidental bids, but for now they should focus on congress, state legislator, and local elections.
I agree. I tend to vote Libertarian across the board at every level of government. If there is none running for a particular position, I check to see if either GOA or the NRA has given them a rating, then vote for the one that gets the best rating.
When there is a party that reflects my deeply held beliefs like the Libertarian Party, wouldn't it be morally reprehensible for me not to vote for that party? I voted for Badnarik, and I voted for every other Libertarian on the ballet. I believe there are times in life when a person has to do the right thing, regardless of how futile that may appear to others. When it came to choosing between the incompetent blissninny John Kerry, or the corrupt, criminally incompetent Bush, with his cabinet filled with incompetent war criminals (or just plain criminals), or a candidate who genuinely reflected my personal beliefs, for me that was no choice at all.

Perhaps the reason we have such a collection of corrupt, bungling criminals running this country is because people are too cynical to vote their consciences. When that happens, we truly get the government we deserve. Judging from the quality of our elected officials, we are one of the most horribly foul societies ever to walk the earth if that is the government we deserve.
Most people who might have a libertarian bent dont even understand the constitution, how our government works or who the candidates are in any given election.

Very sad.
By and large, IMHO Libertarian party candidates are more interested in garnering attention than they are in winning elections. As some have said, organizing at the grassroots level (local elections, state legislatures, etc.) would be a way to get their foot in the door . . . but just when there seems to be an opportunity to make a serious play for some national offices, some Libertarian Party candidate will come up with endorsement of something like an "Open Border" policy which would remove all immigration controls . . .

In this political climate, it's hard to come up with a better (or is it worse?) way of figuratively shooting yourself in the foot with your prospective constituents than that.
I caught a debate of Badnarick against a green party candidate on C-Span, it was hilarious (Badnarick was a far better speaker, green guy was a typical puss-puss). He seems like a good man, I voted for him. The libertarian position on enviromental issues has always made me a little nervous though...
GoRon said:
When the libertarians show they have enough accuman to even run a campaign maybe they will be entrusted with actually governing the people.

If you are going to throw your votes away at least vote for someone that has shown they are capable.

They cannot even run a grassroots movement and they want to run the country?

I don't want a party to run the country... I want a party that will restore my constitutional rights.... If libertarians ever did get elected... they could tear down so much beaurocracy, it would be much more akin to a bloodless revolution than just a change in administration...

RUN the country... What does fedgov really need to run??? I am of the opinion that fedgov has very little authority to run anything (constituionally)... The states run themselves and they should be allowed to do so without federal meddling...

For the record, I voted for Badnarik last election too.
Standing Wolf said:
I voted for Badnarik.

As long as you keep doing the same old stupid stuff, you'll continue to get the same old stupid results.

I think the quote is something like this... "The definition of stupid is repeating the same action and expecting a different result."
The Drew said:
I think the quote is something like this... "The definition of stupid is repeating the same action and expecting a different result."

Bonus irony points for using it in a discussion to support a party that has existed for 30+ years and has never won national office.
Two- The president has little power when it comes to really making changes. Getting senators in there effects much more ability to pass and introduce law that actually changes something. A libertarian president and a house and senate with no libertarians in it will effect very little change other then scaring the two major parties.
Bonus irony points for using it in a discussion to support a party that has existed for 30+ years and has never won national office.

And yet the party continues to grow and gain more votes, year after year, despite the panicked screams from Republicans that somehow feel the LP is "leaching" votes from them.
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