[dean]YARRGH![/dean] - Palm Beach Kounty and their waiting periods...

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Jan 13, 2004
Gainesville, Florida
Well, after getting my 700 Mountain from Wally World and thoroughly cleaning and handling it, I have to return it. Why? Because Palm Beach Kounty has a 5-day waiting period on the sale of all long guns (because .30-06 rifles are the weapon of choiceâ„¢ of criminals), and legally I'm a resident of Palm Beach County.

Of course, never mind that I had bought an 870 months before and this exact same issue came up, and they said then that as long as I was purchasing it in Alachua County it was all right.

And not to mention this was a special order, and I had put half of my money down a week ago...

Well, time to wrap up ole Danielle...*sob* see ya in 5 days...
You are a former Palm Beach County resident going to school in gainesville too? Do not tell me you lived in Boca Raton or you will be frightening me.
Stop your griping. I have to endure a 10 day waiting period over here in Kali. And just for a stupid DPMS single shot lower.

My UltraMag50 upper has been sitting on my table for a week now asking. "Dude, where's my lower?" :mad:
Nah, I lived in good old Lake Worth...:)

Stop your griping. I have to endure a 10 day waiting period over here in Kali. And just for a stupid DPMS single shot lower.

My UltraMag50 upper has been sitting on my table for a week now asking. "Dude, where's my lower?"

That is worse, but I had the rifle in my hands - cleaned it and everything. Then, the next morning, I get a cell phone call, and I have to give it back to them for a week :cuss: .
I have to endure a 10 day waiting period over here in Kali. And just for a stupid DPMS single shot lower.
Yeah, I know what you mean. The other day I bought a Redhawk at the Pawn shop and it took them, like 15 minutes to run the paperwork and credit card. And I really had to get home too. Darned GCA. :rolleyes:

BTW, you could just do what I did, move to another state! What really gets me about people complaining about the gun laws is they don't do anything. Sure, they vote and are active in local politics, but the best and it seems like the only choice is to get out of dodge. Consider we have No Sales tax, No Income Tax, low property tax, and the oil companies pay us each year to live here. Not to mention the best fishing and hunting around, no CCW permits needed, etc. Housing is even cheaper than Kali.
Lets not get into a Kali bashing thread.

Years ago everyone loved to bash just Kali. The difference now, is I'm hearing more NY, HI, and other states now being bashed also.

So brother, we're all in the same boat. Whether or not your sitting on the side that is sinking slower or faster than the rest. It doesn't matter, as the eventually the whole damn thing will eventually sink.

And I agree with you in some sense, some other states offer me more than Kali, but they will never have the one thing Kali has. Thats family. And I'll be damned if I tuck tail and run from my family and home.
I've had to wait until the clerk could punch the numbers into the register before. Well, that and make change.
Thank God I live in Texas.
Thank God I live in Texas.
Thank God I live in Texas.
Thank God I live in Texas.
Thank God I live in Texas.
Thank God I live in Texas.
Thank God I live in Texas.
Thank God I live in Texas.
Thank God I live in Texas.
Thank God I live in Texas.
Thank God I live in Texas.
Thank God I live in Texas.

What is that garbage FL is supposed to have a preemption law to stop that sort of thing.

When I bought my saiga in Volusia County, I took it home as soon as I finished the paperwork and NICS check.

Sounds to me like someone has been messing with you. If I had gotten a call like that I most likely would have have told them where to cram their phone reciever and offered to return the rifle bullets first.

My advice if you haven't taken the rifle back yet keep it. What's walmart going to do send one of those little old ladies or gentlemen that man the doors and say hello to give you a stern talking to?
The statute you are looking for is 790.33.

Further information is available here: http://www.packing.org/state/index.jsp/florida

If you have already returned the rifle in question go down to your local library and xerox section 790.33 from the Florida law books. Have the librarian notarize the copies as being from the current statutes and take that down to walmart and threaten legal action to get your gun back.

Besically they stole that rifle from you by deception (the cops call it fraud) even if they intend to return it to after this fake waiting period is over it is your rifle and you have every right to possess it.
PBC has such screwed up ordinances because the county commission does all they can to infringe on the 2nd amendment. We are (represented) by the most liberal antigun immigrants from NY & NJ imaginable. But the real problem is that we are so over populated by liberal interlopers from new england that we can't get them out of office once they are imbeded. I've lived here since 1939 and want out but can't afford to get a divorce and move. :cuss:
Man, I feel for you South Florida fellas. I go down there every now and then with my girlfriend to see her family. It is truly another world down there. The only good thing down there is the fishing, which is outstanding.

I would do as Aikibiker said. Do as you will, but I would fight this tooth and nail. It angers me to know that this kind of thing has taken hold in MY state, no matter how far removed I am from it.

Best of luck to you.
This makes my point exactly. Those who always bash Kali, don't realize that all the anti-gun, waiting period, assault weapons crap laws are slowly coming to their part of the world.

It's just not Kali anymore. Open your eyes people, and stop running away from the "anti 2nd adm" states.

Stepping of the soap box now.
UPDATE: I never did ask for the .30-06 back. But now it's happened again, at the very same Wal-Mart, no less! They said I have to wait 5 business days (1 whole week) to get my 870. Nuh-uh. Not this time.

I'm going to fight it. Wish me luck. :D
I don't have my CCW (not 21).

I know I'm in the right. Check out the laws:

Waiting Period Ordinance:

http://library.municode.com/gateway.dll?f=xhitlist$xhitlist_x=Advanced$xhitlist_vpc=first$xhitlist_xsl=querylink.xsl$xhitlist_sel=title;path;content-type;home-title$xhitlist_d=FL1/florida1/6803$xhitlist_q=[field folio-destination-name:'ch028.x1-28-21']$xhitlist_md=target-id=0-0-0-21491

Pre-emption Statute:


Yes, I know it says the counties can enact waiting periods on handguns, but it says nothing about rifles or shotguns.
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