Denny Hansen

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Prayers sent. Is there a way that we could pass the hat? I am a believing man without a doubt. But I feel sometimes we pray best with our actions, not our lips!
The post implies that Denny and his grandson were the only humans in the house. Was this indeed the case?

Losing a home, along with two of his furry loved ones is incredibley rough and tragic thing to go through, and my best wishes are with him. It is a long road ahead, one that no man should ever want to go through, but he can hold his head high knowing that he will not go through it alone, as long as he has friends as these.

Haven't seen the TFL thread yet but were he and his grandson the only ones home?

And is there anything we can do to help?
Very sorry to hear of Denny's loss. Just glad it was not any worse. Prayers will definitely include his family and keep us posted on relief efforts as they become available. :uhoh:
Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers. I know it helped.

Our home and everything in it is a total loss--what wasn't burned is so heavily smoke an water damaged everything will end up at a landfill. But things are good...

Working out of hotel right now, and hope to be in a temporary residence soon and back to "normal." I have an amazing family and support staff behind me. As Rich pointed out, "A Total Loss is better than a Total Tragedy."

Many years ago a very famous basetball player's house burned with everthing in it. I told my Father, who was still living at the time, that I had no sympathy for the filthy rich basketball player whose house burned. After all, he had enough money to rebuild and then some. I fugrued he had more money than God so what does he care. I was a stupid 18 year old.

My Father set me straight. Even though he has been dead for over 13 years, I will never forget what he taught me in that regard. My Dad was no bleeding heart either. He lived through the Depression when things were really hard for him for many years.

He said that when anyone's home burns, it is a MAJOR tragedy in their lives and to try to put myself in their situaition. All the personal stuff that may have been there for generations is gone. I now know my father was absolutely right. Riich, Poor, Middle class, if your house burns it is major tagedy.

I'm sorry for your loss Denny. I don't know you but nonetheless it is a tragedy. I am pleased that you and yours are alive. You can replace things but life is another thing. I have been though some situations in my life where me and my family were lucky to get out alive. The stuff we had accumulated was secondary. If I had lost a family member or anyone, all the stuff in the world couldn't make that up. Things are things. Not to take that lightly, because I know full well the blood sweat and tears it takes to accumulate things that are important in your life.

However, your lives are vastly more important than any worldly goods, or any fortune you may have accumulated.

Add my prayers to your list. I haven't visted the site for some time but I am sorry to hear of your misfortune. I hope that you can re-build with a minimum of pain and hassle.
Point of origin determined to be by my desk. Electrical problems ruled out and although I'm a smoker, I hadn't been in the office for over 24 prior to the fire, so the fire investigator ruled the cigs out. Doubt we'll ever know the cause.

I'll be writing an article in an upcoming S.W.A.T. detailing what I did right and where I screwed up, with hopes someone can learn from my set-back.
First of all Denny, let me say that I am both happy that you and your grandson made it out ok and sorry for the loss of the little things that make a house hame and that cannot be replaced by any amount of money.

I would also like to express my admiration that one of your first responses to these unfortunate circumstances is to contribute an article to SWAT for all of us to learn from. Being able to take a personal tragedy and turn it into a learning experience not only for you, but also for everyone else speaks highly of your desire to educate and inform those of us who have never had to face those circumstances. This is why your magazine is one of the best in the business.

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