Deputy Loses Eye In Shooting Practice

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Even the extremely unlikely happens eventually. A lady I used to work with lost sight in one eye after such a freak thing. She was working with Habitat for Humanity, building a house. She was driving a nail - no power tools, just a hammer and a nail. Must've hit a knot or slid or something. We've all hit nails wrong and had them flip off to one side. This one went directly back at her and straight down the center of her left eye. How many of us bother wearing safety glasses working with non-powered hand tools?

I hope your recovery goes well Deputy Waddell.
The deputy was wearing safety glasses, but the fragment somehow went over
the glasses.

I've had safety glasses literally blown off my face by a (small! thankfully!) rocket fuel explosion. I was lucky, just got 1st degree burns all over my face.

Safety goggles are not a defense shield against doing anything stupid. IMO that incluldes shooting steel at less than 50+ yards. (and 100+ with steel-core ammo.)
Not a freak accident. Basically, the deputy did not keep eye protection between his eye and the target. If it was a chilly morning, his glasses may have fogged and he may have done something like looked over the top of the glasses to take the shot. Or, he was somewhat sideways to the target and the fragment came in from the side and he didn't have wrap around protection.

I have found fragments came come back with 5.56 fmj out to about 40 yards and still sting. I prefer to use frangible which go a long way in negating dangerous bounce back. There are still the occasional jacket pieces that might come back, but not very far and not with much power. I like the Federal 50 gr. frangible from . The stuff shoots well and disappears in a poof of dust when striking steel.
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