Detroit: Armed & Determined

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Detroit mayor; PD chief...

I saw a media clip of the DPD chief saying his 2A/gun views changed when he worked for several years in Maine. ;)
He saw directly that 2A laws & statues that permit concealed carry/OC don't make citizens run down the streets looting or go nuts.

Maybe Ted Nugent can turn Detroit Rock City around & be mayor. :D

Oh no! Whatever will they do?!?!???!?!?!?!


Seriously, did you NOT rob a bank and mug a nun today because there are police around, or because you're not the kind of person that robs banks and mugs nuns?

Remove career criminals and you don't need to live in a damn police state. The police CAN NOT and WILL NOT protect you, even if there's always one available 30 seconds away.
Well said.
Criminals are getting the message ... follow-up

Here is a follow up story dated 16 July from

“Criminals are getting the message that good Detroiters are armed and will use that weapon,” said Craig, who has repeatedly said he believes armed citizens deter crime. “I don’t want to take away from the good work our investigators are doing, but I think part of the drop in crime, and robberies in particular, is because criminals are thinking twice that citizens could be armed."

They said crime (or fatalities?) was down like thirty percent or something this year :what:. Anyone know off hand how that compares to the other hotbed of urban utopia, Chicago?

steeler there is a lot to learn from that site you posted. you can only push people so much and they will fight back. I hate to see them have to live in fear and distrust and the only good I see is that they can get permits and protect themselves. carry on vanguard, we support you
It's not just here or there, it's every ware. Miami mayor said "arm yourselves' as we will not be able to respond, a few days ago, when they announced a possible 250 man cut in the Police Department due to a shortfall of 650 million, "or thereabouts".
It's going to be , every man for himself as we go forward, so the idea of disarming citizens is highly unlikely.
This Administration has gone past bankrupting us, they are forcing some kind of an incident to occur without any though having been given to how it will all end.
You can't keep pushing people to the end of the cliff without some of them falling off.

Soon no one will leave their home without a gun, it's coming in the disadvantaged neighborhoods first but will slowly spread to every ware. You just can't have the minority of the citizens supporting the majority forever.
Not a day goes by that I call someone and find that they are unable to answer my questions about most anything from what they have in stock, to when they are getting a product in, or even how something like an accessory in a car I just purchased, works.
I called 5 gun shops for the HK VM9 Pistol and only 2 knew what I was talking about. I told me that none or their 7 stores had one, until I called the next store which had it sitting there. It's just that very few people take their job seriously any more.
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