Did Bush recently sign an import ban??

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Jan 28, 2004
Hiding in the tall timber of the Pacific NW
I read something vague about this, maybe it was hi cap magazines or other "AWB" parts..?

Does anyone have specific info??

By the way I am new here but not new to defending the second amendment or arms. My lovely pro 2nd wife and I live in WA state
I don't know, but welcome to THR!

Lots of good people and good information here.

I know all about Bush senior's ban and how it was the beginning of the floodgates opening. I was in California then and experienced the flood firsthand shortly thereafter. Ticks me off every time I think about him.

This was a report that I read in an online newspaper (stupid me I did not save it) that stated that Bush JR signed some authorization to ban parts or mags for AWs. It was VERY recent, like 30 days ago..? It made me immediately do an inventory of any mags or parts I might be short on, so I could stock up.

Really, it's not a figment..:what:
Bush has not signed any import ban. Clinton expanded the current import ban top include parts that could be used to assemble a banned weapon in summer of 2000. ATF had its traditional commentary period on it and during the comment period stopped all import.

The comment period expired in 2001 after Bush had been elected and ATF put it into action. The Bush administration changed the ruling to allow the import of parts for repair of existing rifles; but technically they cannot be used to assemble new rifles.

This is the only thing I can think of that is remotely related to GWB and the import bans.

There is more discussion concerning that issue at:
I don't think it was recent, but didn't GWB put a Norinco import ban into place?

Yes Bush put an import ban on all Norinco products because Norinco was selling the wrong people powerful technologies. This is not just a gun ban though as Norinco makes much more than just guns and the ban covers all Norinco products.
as i recall, someone posted to a message board (might not have been THR) that a gunshop commando told them that bush signed new laws banning guns that said commando just happened to have for sale and he should buy them while they were still available.
"Yes Bush put an import ban on all Norinco products because Norinco was selling the wrong people powerful technologies. This is not just a gun ban though as Norinco makes much more than just guns and the ban covers all Norinco products"
If Bush really cared about this issue he would cut off the Israelis from all aid. They have, just like the red Chinese, been spying on us and selling our technology for decades. One of their "customers" is China...
I only have a coupla minutes here...

Maybe I can get ya more links later. But yes, they have been spying on us since at least the time of the Rosenbergs, who were executed as spies for stealing our nuke secrets and giving them to Israeli secret agents. This was half a century ago. The USA is infiltrated with Mossad and recently 200 Israeli "students" were quietly rounded up and deported. They were spies but no charges were brought, and it was kept quiet. Some of the things I will post will not be PC. make up your own mind:
Where do you think they got the technology for their secret nuke arsenal? And why does the US turn a blind eye to it while every other nation on earth has to account for thier nukes and make treaties?

Here's a few links about the Israelis selling our military technology to the Chinese:





And THESE people are our ALLIES? With "friends" like this we don't need enemies...:scrutiny:
But yes, they have been spying on us since at least the time of the Rosenbergs, who were executed as spies for stealing our nuke secrets and giving them to Israeli secret agents.

The Rosenbergs were convicted of spying for the SOVIETS, not the Israelis. Considering that Israel wasn't even a country during the time the Rosenbergs were spying, and didn't become a country until three years before they were convicted, I am thinking you are in error here.

I didn't bother to proofread the rest of your assertions; but hopefully they had a better basis in fact (though the rense.com link makes me skeptical and you have to wonder about any Israel link that starts out "The following article was sent to me by sister Fatin; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with her.").

Having noted that, let me also add that discussion of U.S./Israeli relations is outside the bounds of this forum. Let's keep the discussion relevant to the topic at hand - Bush and any relevant import bans that affect firearms rights or civil rights.
Agreed as to the topic of this thread/subforum

And you are correct that the Rosenbergs were convicted for spying for the Soviets. At least that's all we are privy to, so it's not an issue by itself without any more info.
However, it's not "me making an assertion" about the Israeli spies and what the Israelis do with the technology we often give them.

It is proven fact. Read the links
Now, as to the Bush Jr. import ban, are we concluding that is is ONLY Norinco products that have been "banned?". Does anyone have a link to an article or report? I would like to see it myself. It has hardly been noticed or commented on except the one brief article I read.. I am gonna do a search right now for info
It is proven fact. Read the links

The fact that something is posted on the internet doesn't make it a fact. Not saying anything about Israel or any other taboo or Off-Topic subject. Just saying that you need to get better sources to be taken seriously. I love it when random internet wankers expound authoritatively about "secret" plots. If it's such a secret how did these morons find out about it?
Actually it was Clinton who originally banned importations of small arms
from China back in '93 or '94. I've seen a few newly imported Norinco
shotguns since them but the Toks, Maks, SkS's and other cool stuff was no longer allowed to be imported. Perhaps there was a "sporting arms"
Hey Omeg I think you might want to find some more reliable links before you can begin to make honest acuzations. I didnt take the time to read all of them becouse the didnt seem like very reliable resources to me. I did however go to the main page of your first link. The Jublie news letter. And I found other interesting stories like "aborted babys sold from auto shop yard" , "Fast food chain pull monsantis Bio Engenerd potato" and My favorite one " trooper from Waco says Body and door spirited away" Anyways not trying to critacize you just think that more reliable sources should be used. Take care.
Clinton, while negotiating (and selling out the US to) with China, got them to agree to stop importing their firearms back around 94. They wanted "Most Favored Nation" status, and Clinton, more concerned about Americans having SKSs than Chinese human rights violations, made a deal with them.

As for spying and Israel, everyone spies on everyone. Even the US spies on their friends. If you need a reason, look at how many of our "friends" are now our enemies. Look at how our current "friends," like France, stab us in the back. Given the amount of intelligence Israel supplies the US, from groups and countries we can't get on our own, it would be very unwise to cut off their aid.

Besides, why would China buy our secrets from Israel whan they could buy them directly from Clinton? If Israel handed over every piece of information they knew about the US, it would not even come close to the damage Clinton caused.

Edited for spelling booboos.
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Here's a few links to the Norinco Bush jr import ban. Apparently it is a 2 year ban:



The links I posted above were what i could find on google in the 5 minutes I had to make that post. if you really wanna know, do a search yourself..
HK: I believe our alliance with the Israelis is going to be the cause of WW3, which will end in nuclear exchange with China and Russia. The bible in fact states this, although I anot here to teach prophecy (if anyone wants to private me I would be happy to explain that way) I am stating this so that you will know where I am coming from. if I am correct then this is the most important issue in history. If not then you can sail along happily...:uhoh:
Would somebody tell me just exactly what the hell two Soviet spies have to do with George W. Bush and gun bans?

No, scratch that.

This board is not www.Conspiracies-R-Us.com, neither is it www.shiny-side-out.com, nor is it www.my-dog-is-a-bilderberger.com

This is a gun site.

You want to discuss two Soviet spies giving secrets to a country that didn't even exist, be my guest.

Do it somewhere else. Several million dicussion sites on the Internet, trust me, one of them caters to your worldview.

It isn't The High Road.

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