did i take a big hit on this ak..?

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Sep 25, 2006
i agreed with a gunbroker dealer to trade my glock 19 w/night sights plus $250....for a yugo fixed stock


ive been wanting one of these for awhile but cant find one anywhere...i owned an underfolder but sold it...and i know i can get the glock back when i get the $...should i of sold the glock and saved $ for the yugo..?
Ehhh, you're giving up a ~$500 gun + $250 for a ~$650 gun. Not an awesome deal, but if you think of it as a $100 cost to get what you really want at the moment, not so bad. 'Course you'll still have shipping and transfer fees, so maybe it's more like a $150-$200 cost to get what you want.

As long as you still have a servicable carry handgun, get tke AK, shoot it, enjoy it.

If you like it, and it's worth $250 plus the Glock to you, then it's a fine trade. You might could have paid a little less overall by selling the Glock on consignment and then buying a Yugo straight out, but that might have taken a while.

Is that an aftermarket grip on the AK, or do all Yugos have a finger groove grip? Looks like a nice rifle.
A new G19 with night sites goes for $455 here. Used would bring in no more than $400 in a private deal, probably closer to $350.

The deal isn't great, but if it's what you want and it's the only one to be found... does it matter?
For collector's purpose, the M70AB1 (pictured) fetches more than the AB2 underfolders right now. Assuming the Glock is used, I'd say that is about right value-wise. But, then again, it's not like there is such thing as a "new Yugo AK", either. Unless you really don't want or need the Glock, I'd keep looking around, or - as said - go to Classic Arms, where you can buy another AB2 underfolder for a lot less.
well the deal isnt 100% official yet...where the hell can i find a decently priced yugo m70b1..?
not the best deal but again you can find glocks at almost every dealer. the glock 19 is my next on the list.
Xmm: said:
well the deal isnt 100% official yet...where the hell can i find a decently priced yugo m70b1..?

If you can bail on the deal, I'd advise it. The bottom is falling outta the market just this moment and unless this acquistion is a "just gotta have" that must happen right now you'd be better off waiting for prices to fall.

I know it is a hard thing to do when you want a new gun, but sometimes we have to wait for a better opportunity.

As the unfortunate circumstances surrounding our economy materialize, deals will become available as people "sell off" for equity. I know it sounds harsh and unfeeling, but it is the oldest rule of the market place: Buy low, sell high.

Good luck.
I wouldn't do it. If you ever really need a gun, a handgun will prove to be worth it's weight in...well, pretty much anything. Besides the cool/fun factor of a rifle, you would probably be better off keeping the G19, saving that $250 and pinching pennies or what have you to get the AK later.
If you were in Houston, that ak would have been about 400 bucks right now... so it really depends on what they are going for in your area.
Yep, you burnt yourself. Straight out would have been as high as I would have gone. That would have been if I really wanted it and had another pistol for carry. The Yugos are parts guns just like all the rest on the market today, nothing makes them special. You could have gotten what ever set up you wished for under the price of a glock with night sights.
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