Did Walmart just kill ammo stocking info from app and webpage?

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Feb 15, 2013
Stopped working mid day today for ammo. Works for everything else in the store including guns.

Yes they did. Probably because of the new ammo search engine that popped up a couple weeks back that specifically searches walmarts only.
How are the gun shops supposed to keep their ammo in stock now? I guess we'll have to start buying directly from Walmart now.
Seems everyone else is.

Why not your local Gun Shop too??

A friend & his wife go to Wally-World every SUnday morning and stand in line waiting for them to stock the ammo shelf each week.

Then he & his wife buy their allotted 3 boxes each of anything they can get.

And he sells them in the newspaper, or to the LGS & pawn shop for twice what he paid for it.
And they sell it for three times that.

I wish all Wally-Worlds would either stop selling ammo at all, until they can over-flow the space allotted to it every day?

Or stock what they get at various times of day, on various days of the week, as then, the speculators & hoarders would have to live in the sporting goods department 24-7 to get it all.

Wally-World would eventually run them all off and let everyone else have a chance if they did that.

well RC, the current model is not sustainable if production is at the level it was before the panic. I'm not happy about it either but it has to end sometime.
Or stock what they get at various times of day, on various days of the week, as then, the speculators & hoarders would have to live in the sporting goods department 24-7 to get it all.
That IS the way they do it around here...I hit numerous WalMarts looking for ammo and one never knows when it will be on the shelf.
Apparently it has little to do with when it actually comes in, but rather when someone gets around to putting it out. That can be many hours after it comes off the truck.
Seems everyone else is.

Why not your local Gun Shop too??

A friend & his wife go to Wally-World every SUnday morning and stand in line waiting for them to stock the ammo shelf each week.

Then he & his wife buy their allotted 3 boxes each of anything they can get.

And he sells them in the newspaper, or to the LGS & pawn shop for twice what he paid for it.
And they sell it for three times that.

I wish all Wally-Worlds would either stop selling ammo at all, until they can over-flow the space allotted to it every day?

Or stock what they get at various times of day, on various days of the week, as then, the speculators & hoarders would have to live in the sporting goods department 24-7 to get it all.

Wally-World would eventually run them all off and let everyone else have a chance if they did that.
Sounds like your friend and his wife are some pretty bad people. A person is judged by the friends he keeps. Do you want to be thought of this way?
A person is judged by the friends he keeps. Do you want to be thought of this way?
I think you are pre-judging both me, and my friend, without knowing a single thing about either he, or I.

He was a good friend many years ago.
Before he started drinking way too much after marrying the wrong soul-mate 20 years ago.

But there is something to be said for loyalty to old friends that can't or doesn't rub off on the persons friends he keeps.

He is still an old friend that would die for me if he had too, and always will be.

Even though I don't exactly approve of a lot of things he does now.

Here our LGS has a decent bit, really only out of .22lr. The local Dunhams has a lot of everything except 9mm,30-30, and .22lr. Walmart has some stuff on the shelf but not a lot.
Maybe Walmart is getting as sick of scalpers as I am. Scalpers make me want to go back to the day when someone selling ammo without an FFL (federal firearms dealers license) could changed with being engaged in the business of dealing in ammo without a dealer's license. As an end user buying from an FFL, I have always bought ammo for the purpose of shooting it, not buying out Walmart's stock and reselling it for a 3x markup.
Last time I stood in line at Walmart....

I noticed some people lurking in sporting goods and asked what was up. There were five people there and I made #6 when I heard they said ammo was coming out.

They came out with a hand cart, which had three cardboard boxes with ammo in them, two not opened, and two empty boxes that had nothing in them, but showed markings that indicated ammo had been inside the boxes. The crowd wondered about those empty boxes. The explanation was not good or thorough.

They took one 20 round box of .223 ammo out of one box, green and yellow, the cardboard box was otherwise empty, and with unction placed it on the shelf for sale. They would not sell anything until it went on the shelf as a matter of policy. They had Federal .22LR in loose boxes, from an unopened cardboard box, and 250 round UMC Remington 9mm ammo from the other unopened cardboard box, about six or eight boxes of each.

They limited to three boxes, or any box over 250 rounds except for .22LR. I was fifth in line but the .22LR and 9mm were all gone when my turn came up sixth in line. Everyone bought their limit and it was all gone, wives showed up and they double dipped the limit. The person right in front of me bought the last of it, except the .223 was still there, I don't have one of those.

I would say a Walmart employee or employees unloaded 40% of the delivery for middleman sales and profit, especially the .223 ammo.
So, should we have the federal government issue us all an ammo ration card? No, just no.

The ammorons will keep this up until you guys STOP BUYING OVERPRICED AMMO! I say "you" because it's not me.
How? Because they get their beer buddies to buy anything, whether they shoot it or not. If Walmart priced their goods at MARKET price instead of their computer-generated retail, these guys would be out of business and folks would buy what they need
Not at Walmart

You won't find me buying any gun stuff at Walmart, started back in the day when they withdrew hand gun sales.

I can't support any business that will not let me buy a gun, being a 30 year conceal carry permit holder, and they send a manager outside with MY gun.
The dumbing down of America goes on.
Walmart kills everything they touch, try to find a Mom and Pop business in the same town that Walmart graces. Walmart single handedly killed "Family Business" in America
A few thoughts.

I wonder if people talk about the price of gas like this on car forums.

There is ammo available, after looking at ammoseek.com. Plenty of it, just not as cheap as it used to be.

I always suspected that insisting my firearms be reliable with steel cased ammo might eventually come in handy...
If you think that's bad.

Just cruised through Gunbroker looking at .22 prices some people are asking.

At best= They are NOT taking the High Road...

Some chuckle head is actually trying to sell .22 ammo one round at a time!
The 2008 - 2009 ammo shortage lasted almost two years. Then out of the blue everyone had ammo. Within a month everyone was back down to pre shortage prices. 9mm ammo would go on sale for $8 a box. The dollar has been devalued quite a bit so we might not see $8 a box 9mm ammo but we will see normal prices and it will happen overnight.
It is working fine now. When it came back it as spotty for the first 30 min or so. Must have been getting hammered for about 5 hours :D

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