Dilemma in ‘08

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n '08 Hillary (not electable by a long-shot anyway) would be out of the running and Kerry would have his ass handed to him by any candicate the GOP fields: My guess would be Giuliani, but who knows...maybe Condi would run (I'd certainly support her).

AS I said earlier, Condi would be a strong consideration, BUT let's not forget Jeb Bush. His time may be right. With her as VP.
If Condi ran, she already has my vote- hell I'd volunteer to help her campaign.

If Republicans get a Constitutional amendment through that allows them to run Awrnawld , I'll vote for Hillary, no scratch that, I might vote for a Libertarian if it looks like Awrnawld is going to lose big going into the election.
I know that Hitlery is very popular, but I wonder how she'd perform in an election. She's got a short fuse and a mean streak that would likely show itself in the throws of a Presidential campaign. She might win if they could actually get her to keep her gaping maw shut.
If Hillary gets the nomination in 2008, we're looking at the possibility of 4 or 8 years of another Clinton co-presidency.

Is the country ready for this? I hope not.

Could the country survive this? I don't think so.
Don't kid yourself

Bush wins, in 08, who will run against Billary, Cheney?
Not bloody likely.

Kerry wins, well, it'll be horrible for certain,
but you really have the blinders on if you think
that the road for the rise of Billary isn't being paved
with gold.

Why do you think the Dems put up such a lamer as Kerry?
What is unbelievable is that he is doing as well as he is.
Lots of folks are voting Kerry because he isn't Bush, and
for no other reason. Even his fans hate him.

They are TRYING to throw the election. The Dems know
that Karl Rove will eventually dig himself in so deep that
the country will be begging to get out from underneath.

You think Billary is unelectable? She makes Rove look like
a pre-pubescent boyscout when it comes to dirty tricks.

Don't kid yourself.
I fear Hillary! running because I think the mainstream press would treat her as a goddess. No white male opponent could say a word against her. She'd play the woman card to the hilt like the true cynic she is, just like she did with Lazio in NY.

I'm afraid only a minority Republican, perhaps a black woman like Rice, could stop that socialist, gun-grabbing, anti-American witch.
Ditto. She causes an almost skin-crawling, creepy feeling when I see or hear her. Hillophobia? Ms. Rice might be the best hope. Garner some of the minority vote in addition to a share of the female vote.
Sorry to disappoint everyone. Rice is not going to run for president. She has never been elected to anything and no one has run for president with any modicum of success without some election experience. I doubt she will even run for VP on any ticket. I do see her as Sec State in the second Bush administration.
It takes more to be president than just being smart or having good ideas. It takes a lot of grass roots organizing. That is why Bush won in 2000, a tremendous network of support built up over years.
Cheney will not run for president either. And thank goodness for that. He is a terrific VP and an inspiring person but he is not pres material.
If Bush wins, Hitlery will run in '08. HArd to imagine the Republican choice. Giuliani? I just dont see anyone out there right now.
If Bush loses, it'll be Kerry again unless he makes major errors ala LBJ.
Here's some trivia. The "Y" is only sometimes. There has never been a president whose last name ended in a vowel. Thus if the same holds true, no Giuliani.

Wonder what this is about?

And on the subject of Giuliani, please no northern Republician. Especially one from NY. They are RINO's in the truest sense of the word.:barf:
I have doubts that a woman-any woman-can be elected POTUS now or even in 2008. Now, if each party nominated a woman (which is not likely), it would most certainly happen, or the third party guy might even win. Giuliani is not presidential material, IMO.
If Hillary ran against Condi there would be a woman President.

I don't think sKerry can pull off a win, but if you think the voters aren't stupid and easily misled, remember that Klinton go two terms.

I think that Jeb did say he wasn't interested in running for Pres.
I wonder if he would consider Vice Pres. behind Condi???
If Hillary gets the nod in '08 as the Democrat nominee I believe that Elizabeth Dole would have a small chance of beating her. And Mrs. Dole could say and do as she pleased if Mrs. Clinton pulled the sex card out.

Realisticly though if Bush wins next Tuesday I believe a Democrat will win in '08. With the exception of Ron Paul I can't think of a single Republican worthy of being President and there is no way in hell Ron Paul could win if he ran.

Heck I can't think of anyone regardless of their party affiliation and with national stature worthy of being President and that's really worrisome and sad to me.
Powell could beat Hillary. Handily.

As much as I love Condi Rice, she won't run. And she wouldn't get the black vote, either. Getting the black vote isn't about being black. Same with the women's vote.

- Gabe
Liddy Dole sure would make a fine president, and it would be fun having Bob as "first husband"... Such a pity he isn't finishing his second term this year...
Gabe, I believe most voters are woefully unaware of their particular party's platform and would tend to "impulse" vote/pick if it were a woman/Black they could readily identify with. Of course I don't have diddly to base this on. ;) "Feelings, nothing more than feeeelings, whoa, wo, wo..." :D It would be an interesting study which may already exist.

You may be right about Powell.

Mrs. Dole could work as well. Powell/Dole ticket?

It's hard enough ensuring the loyalty of someone born and raised in this country, can you imagine the scenarios it would open up if a foreign-born candidate could run for the presidency?

So you're saying you wouldn't vote for a ticket consisting of Oleg and Kim du-Toit? :neener:
I think that would be aiming low in Oleg's case. I'd vote for him for
Tsar Of All Russias.

You heard it here first.
Heck I can't think of anyone regardless of their party affiliation and with national stature worthy of being President and that's really worrisome and sad to me.
Ditto, Amen and Hallelujah. This country has had a leadership vacuum for many years.
What attributes make for a great President?
Bill Gates? Has economical skills.
Donald Trump? Has leadership in spades.
Pat Robertson? Deep convictions.

Would we vote for any of the above? See what I mean? Is it some type of "complete" package person?
Would we vote for any of the above? See what I mean? Is it some type of "complete" package person?

Now the question is what makes a complete package?

Common Sense
Public Speaking Expertise (Bill Clinton had this in abundance)

Add to the list and name anyone that fits the bill...

Off hand I can't think of anyone that does.
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