Dillon XL650 Cleaning and Lubrication Guide

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Nov 7, 2016
I have posted this on a couple of other forums, and I have been overwhelmed with requests to send them a copy, so I thought I shouldn't forget my friends here at THR as well.

I normally watch the two Dillon videos on cleaning and lubricating the XL650 while performing this maintenance task, but it is a pain to watch a few seconds of the video, pause it, perform the task, then back to video again, then pause, etc.

I have done this enough times now that I probably don't *need* to follow the videos, but they do provide a nice step-by-step guide so I don't forget anything.

This last week when I was going through this process, I decided to bite the bullet and just create a Word document that goes through the steps one at a time that I could print, put in sheet protectors, and then add to my reloading binder so I can easily reference it when needed without having to do the video routine.

I got out my camera, and took a ton of pictures and added text and arrows to the pictures to include in the guide.

For first-timers, it is still probably wise to watch the Dillon videos one time through however.

I do not have a way to host the file, so I have offered this to anyone that wants a copy via email. Just send me a PM with your email address, and I will send out a copy.

Don't expect too much however! I am not a professional writer or trainer!

Here is a cell phone snapshot of what a couple of the pages look like:

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