Disarmed Katrina survivor recovering from surgery files federal lawsuit

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Mike in VA said:
+1 miogi

While I think the lady is entitled to reasonable damages and punitive damages, I don't want to pay excessively for governement bungling, incompetence and ineptitude. I want to fix the damn problem. What I really want is for the perpetrators and their supervisors to lose their jobs and go to jail as appropriate. :fire:

since when do the police or any agency have the right to tell me to leave my property when I have done nothing wrong. (Site chapter and verse)

Sure if they come to my house to take me to "safety" and I refuse then I accept that I am on my own. A hurricane came and some people were smart enough to prepare. Then the JBT's go in to remove the only prepared people in the area. That is counter intuative. To the individual that said it was to reduce looting... that is what martial law was invented for. In a situation like this everyone stays at home, guns and all.

I live in a place where this would not happen, but if something did I would not answer the door for anyone. I would post a sign just like so many people did in LA, Come in here and you will be shot. That will go for everyone, If I want to be "rescued" I will do it myself.

A guy I knew once told me that I needed a years supply of food and water and bullets to defend it.
gremlin_bros said:
...........i do hope she wins but i just find it to be quite doubtfull given the level of disorginiation that was going on at the time......

Let me start by thanking all LEO for their service everywhere. You are brave and loyal people. We were hit by Ivan last year and were close enough to feel some of the wrath of Katrina (but nothing like NOLA or Biloxi, MS).

The actions perpetrated against this woman were not the result of disorganization, accident or misunderstanding. This was an intentional sweep by authorities to remove guns from law abiding citizens in preparation for forced eviction.

These police went in with every intent of evicting her from her home. She repeatedly told the officers that she was fine, did not want to leave and did not want the police in her house. When she answered a police inquiry as to whether she was armed, she retrieved the revolver per police instruction. She held the revolver by the cylinder. She was then body slammed by the officer which resulted in her injury.

The Police Chief cannot declare the 2nd Amendment null and void. (If somebody informed of Martial Law statues wants to educate me on that angle, I welcome your response). The Mayor, Governor, and President of the United States cannot passively support this position with failure to intervene.
But they did.

I hope she wins a MONSTEROUS award - so much in fact that every police precinct in the country will feel compelled to explain to every officer that law abiding citizens are protected from this type of indiscriminate, self proclaimed "law enforcement" for fear of getting sued themselves.

Everybody jumps on the bandwagon when industry is sued for a slip-up. Exxon-Mobile runs a tanker aground - big bucks. Woman spills McDonalds coffee while holding a styrofoam cup between her legs - hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The authorities declare we will take firearms from all law abiding citizens and leave them defenseless in the face of looting and lawlessness? No - that is not a misunderstanding. That is an abuse of power.

Citizens - the pool from which Police, National Guard, Military are formed. By protecting your citizen's rights, you serve to protect yourselves.
I hope she gets lots of money from this. But most of all I would like to see that JBT from Ca I belive. Get a nice cell with a big bubba who slams him in a wall every few hours along with other nice things . Their was NEVER a need for his actions.

well when it comes to the govt i just remember what was said by ronald reagan.
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'
Ronald Reagan
I have to say this whole thing has me very worried.:uhoh: :eek: It tells me that if this country is ever in REAL trouble that the authorities have the right to come in and disarm me and leave me defenseless.:mad: :what: I honestly cannot believe they did this. Some of the statements the authorities made were just unbelievable. "We will disarm EVERYONE" As if it's good to go in and disarm innocent Americans who need to defend their lives and what little they have not already lost. What will happen in the moment of truth? Will the police and the people ban together or will more people die killing off one another?? All I can say is this is a sad state of affairs and it shows just how much standing the second amendment has EVEN WITH A REPUBLICAN ADMIN! Someone needs to do something to assure that this NEVER happens again!:cuss:
From all ive seen and read, looksl ike the woman is fully just to do what shes doing...

Along the lines of govt evicting peopel "For their safety"- Im sick and tired of more and more governement regul;ation, rules, and unjust laws that make up for people lack of self control and discipline.

Instead of letting people take responsibility for their own actions the governement doesnt let em take the actions in the first place.
Mistakes Made

A 'mistake' made under color of law, at the point of a gun, and involving force and bodily harm...
I really hope the officers in question get their a**es handed to them on a platter.
Anyone here have a method of contacting the lawyer? I'd be proud to pony up some cash - and happy to have a chance to resolve the issue in a courtroom rather than having to resolve it 'next time' in my front yard.
No two ways about it - if this lady had been my wife there would have been, at the minimum, bloodshed or several disarmed police officers being marched off the property at gunpoint.
This kind of nonsense will occur again and again. Suing gov't may make everyone feel better but reality is nothing will change until those who make the decisions pay. I'd love to see lawsuits lined up like railroad cars targeting those who actually made the decisions. When public officials develop a twitch when faced with a constitutional decision we will be much safer from an overreaching government.

Waitone said:
This kind of nonsense will occur again and again. Suing gov't may make everyone feel better but reality is nothing will change until those who make the decisions pay. I'd love to see lawsuits lined up like railroad cars targeting those who actually made the decisions. When public officials develop a twitch when faced with a constitutional decision we will be much safer from an overreaching government.

now here is sombody thats got it right.
Disclaimer - I am not a lawyer!
I think the logical progression for this would be first to establish whether or not the officers had any reason to feel their actions were lawful - meaning first sue FEMA and concurrently the city of N.O.
Once this is done (and I think it should be relatively easy to establish that if they had orders, the orders were unlawful) then sue the individual (the mayor, I believe) who issued the orders. At the same time, proceed with civil suits naming the officers, if their names can be determined, and if not, the departments.
I agree with those who think the lawsuit should target individuals, but I think it will have to be done a step at a time.
engineer151515 said:
The Police Chief cannot declare the 2nd Amendment null and void. (If somebody informed of Martial Law statues wants to educate me on that angle, I welcome your response). The Mayor, Governor, and President of the United States cannot passively support this position with failure to intervene.
But they did.
Marshall Law was never declared so what happens then doesn't matter in this case. The people saying that marshall law was declared when it happened did not have the authority to declare marshall law.
Suing gov't may make everyone feel better but reality is nothing will change until those who make the decisions pay.

All I can hope for is that this lady gets a huge sum of money right before elections - that way the sheeple (who forget everything after a few weeks) will be reminded of how much their elected leaders screwed up. Then I hope the sheeple vote them out of office.

One interesting note - I noticed that she was suing the California Highway Patrol. Hopefully they have to put in some money too, so other states will think twice about blindly following what the locals tell them to do. The downside will be that states may be less likely to send in help for future catastrophies.

R-Tex12 said:
I'm with Pilgrim.

She doesn't need $$$ for her attorney, but it's great to see folks offer. These kinds of torts are on a contingency basis. I do hope she l;ives out a long life on a private island though....
More power to her. I hope she takes them to the cleaners and puts great shame on the kind of conduct that those officers excercised. If the taxpayers have to pay for it, then they will be darn sure more careful about who they vote to office next time.

The video of that frail old lady being body checked and then forcibly dragged from her home by those eager young police officers made me physically nausous. That was lady liberty getting gang raped by government sponsored thugs right there. :fire:
What the California "officer" did to this woman was inexcusable. There was no need to body slam her and fall on her as he did. I would estimate that the "officer" weighed over 200 lbs, and the little lady probably less than 100. I can see a police officer tackling a 200 lb man that is a physical threat, but not the frail old lady. Kick his ass.
A police officer can use size and physical condition of an attacker as defense for actions that he takes, in cases of vast mismatch, deadly force can be excused when an attacker is using his bare hands.
A citizen should have the same right to use the reason that excessive size difference and physical condition amounts to deadly force. The situation with that lady did not call for deadly force, or anything like what happened. She probably produced the gun at the request of the officer. Then he attacks her.
Shame on you, you California bully.
From what I read, it seems as if she is suing the officers only. In my opinion, she should be suing the officers, the police departments, the mayor of NO, the state, and FEMA. They should ALL be sued.
I'd love it if the original video of the lady getting body slammed is followed by a sumo wrestler body slamming the cop as a partial jury award. Body slamming all the other yahoos calling for disarming homeowners should be taped as well following their announcements. The whole movie then should be shown to the sheeple of the entire country to educate them.

I hope she sues their @$$es off big time!!!:cuss:
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