Disarming good citizens

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The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while hoping for different results.
Universities: "We will ban firearms from our campuses."
Fact: This did not prevent the slaughter, nor will it prevent future slaughter.
Universities: "We will ban firearms from our campuses some more."
Gun free zones is like putting up a neon sign, " unarmed victims here ". I tried explaining that to a manager of a Fry's Electronic store to no avail.Not only did it make patrons in the store possible victims, it made the parking lot, that much more dangerous too!
Wow that was painful to read. We need to invite this joker to a VCDL meeting.

The thing I swear none of them understand is that we're talking about people who already have CCW permits. They already carry (some for a number of years) and have a proven track record of NOT causing trouble, so why do these idiots think the CCW persons will suddenly "be trouble" once they cross that "magic line" onto campus property?

Oh darn, there I go useing logic again.
Gov. Kaine did what crap-weasel politicians always do, he appointed a panel to study the problem and make a recommendation. Now when the next VT happens, he can say that it was not his fault, he was only following their recommendations.

Cowardly, short-sighted, stupid and far too typical of the people we elect. Did he get taken to the vet like my dog, or is there some specialist that neuters politicians??
I can't believe you..

fellows can't see the author's logic. More guns on campus would be less safe...

For good reason. The addition of more guns on college campuses - even those that are carried legally - would only add to the unsafe conditions created by the presence of guns.

Except of course for those magic guns the police carry...

If the state wants to make college campuses more secure, it should hire more police with firearms to protect the students and faculty.

I wish I was an uber-citizen and had access to those magic guns......

Sorry, I just re-read the two quotes and now see the difference. Ordinary citizens carry "guns" which increase the danger... police carry "firearms" which are perfecty okay....

That article could suck IQ points out of your brain....

Gov. Kaine did what crap-weasel politicians always do, he appointed a panel to study the problem and make a recommendation. Now when the next VT happens, he can say that it was not his fault, he was only following their recommendations.

Kaine is simply reverting back to what he was before he ran for Governor. When he was mayor of Richmond, he was one of the most anti-gun politicians you'd ever want to see. (Example he used city money to pay for buses for haul his people to the Million Mom March. He eventually paid the money back out of his own pocket, but not until the fire got too hot.) It wasn't until he ran for Governor that he showed up with some "Sportsmen for Kaine" group on his side.

Regarding the panel's "recomendations" he already knows what he's going to get. He has given the "panel" it's marching orders and they know what they're supposed to come back with. More gun and ammonution control.

"gun permits"

The author's use of "gun permits" indicates that he either has no idea that you don't need a "permit" to buy/own/possess a gun and doesn't understand what a CHL is -- of he is intentionally misleading his readers.

Very painful to read so many unsupported assertions that are presented as "obvious" based on ignorance and emotion.
of course all this talk of politicians brings to mind the joke:

four surgeons get together to talk about their favorite patient.
doctor A likes librarians because eveything is in alphabetical order.
doctor b likes electricians, because it is all color coded.
doctor c likes accountants because everything is numbered.
doctor d wins with politicians: no brain, no spine, no guts,no heart and no balls:fire::D

seiously, it seems that after the election they do lose all the above.:banghead:
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