District to 'affirm' Ebonics

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i am so sick

this is garbage. what they leave out is that people who love ebonics also love the N word, and it really bothers the heck out of me.

this sickens me too much. it's fine for friends to say it back and forth , but the tiniest bit of anger enters things and it goes right back where it was, you "N!", and is basically a test. go ahead call me that. i dont even want to try and explain it makes me so sick.

Ka Plah! (not really appropriate but the only kilongon i know)
I recall reading about a study that found that people with 'black-sounding' names, or names usually only used by black people, would result in a lower likelihood of being offered a job or interview. While the initial reaction is racism, and a little of it may be that, I think a lot of that has to do with this ebonics culture of intentionally speaking like an idiot because your 'bros' think it's 'fly'. They are shooting themselves in the foot.
Sindawe, now I know what that line is in your sig. Every time I saw one of your posts, I'd spend a few seconds puzzling over it. At first I figured it was something backwards because of the caps at the end. Then I figured it was some sort of Native American dialect or something. Then I settled on it being some foreign language backwards, which I had no hope of deciphering. :banghead:

Now I know, it's Klingon.
Not related to the RKBA or other civil rights, so is being closed as off topic for THR.

Take it to APS if you like.

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