Do we live in a violent society?

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vi·o·lence (v-lns)
1. Physical force exerted for the purpose of violating, damaging, or abusing: crimes of violence.
2. The act or an instance of violent action or behavior.
3. Intensity or severity, as in natural phenomena; untamed force: the violence of a tornado.
4. Abusive or unjust exercise of power.
5. Abuse or injury to meaning, content, or intent: do violence to a text.
6. Vehemence of feeling or expression; fervor.
We live in a violent WORLD. We are species that views killing others in our species as a way to solve problems.We always have and always will. Its hard-wired into us, just the way it is.
I don't think the people in our society our exceptionally violent by any means, but I cannot argue the fact that violent material surrounds everyone one of us; from TV, to movies, music, and video games. This doesn't necessarily make people violent, but it is definitely out there for people to see and possibly be influenced by.

I strongly believe that people who commit violent crimes are not mentally stable from the beginning, and that you cannot solely blame video games or something similar. I think the whole "training with video games" thing is a load of crap. I have done some shooting before (was introduced in Boy Scouts, now I want to take it up as a hobby once this summer rolls around and I have some free time) and I play "first-person shooter" video games all the time, and there is very little similarity. I won't deny that it has somewhat desensitized me to violence, but it has not trained me to go out and kill people without mercy.

Well, of course we do. We always have...since the beginning. Nature is violent. Every animal that has roamed the earth has faced the prospect of violence...even before they crawled out of the primordial soup, violence was part of the game. The notion that we can somehow avoid violence from cradle to grave is a completely silly notion.

So, the question that begs to be asked is not that you were killed...but rather how did you die? Did it come like a thief in the night? Was it offered to you by a feral that two-legged or four? Did you lay down and take it like a lamb...or did you fight like a cornered lion, and harvest your pound of flesh on your way out? Finally...Did you use your last breath to spit in your killer's face as the lights went out?

Or did you survive today because you crawled under a rock and hoped that the monster would choose another in your stead?

Was Todd Beamer one of the last of a dying breed? Forbid it, Almighty God.
Do we live in a violent society? My response is a qualified "No." But there are violent people with their own self interest around every corner and you must be prepared.

I'm in my early 30s and only once witnessed a non-military act of criminal violence, beyond childhood fights. I witnessed a police officer get brutally assaulted by a drug suspect. That is one incident in my entire life!

I did not grow up privileged. I grew up in a small town, have lived in big cities and small cities, and have traveled in much of the United States, including most of the largest cities. I have nearly been the victim of a robbery, but left the area when I suspected the crime was imminent.

That said, I am not naive. I have been on patrol in one of the worst drug infested crime ridden areas and know that there are bad people out there. I CCW in the civilian world not because of the chances, but what is at stake.
Personally, I believe humans are violent by nature, though we try to supress the urges, at times some people for what ever reason lose control and they do violent acts.
we live in a violent world

As we as a species have since the first man stepped foot on this earth. even before man, and still to this day, in lessor animals, violence and force were used by aggressors and defenders. Weather its a cave, territory, home, nation, family, or whatever, their has always been and will always be those who will do harm, and those who will protect.

I'd have to say the old west or colonial times were far more violent. Our society today has become both intolerant of and numb to violence. public schools wont allow kids to play tackle football, but their parents take them to see highly graphic movies, etc.

We're raising a country of wimps.
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