Do you care about "gun free zones"?

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Nov 2, 2009
I already know... that if someone were to start a mass shooting in a gun free zone most LAW ABIDING gun owners would not think twice about stoping the carnige... If they had their gun. :(

The problem there are places where it is illegal to carry your concealed handgun. IE: College Campus, Airport, Military Bases, Bars, some states :barf:.

I am one of those people that would save lives first and worry about the legal ramifications later, however I never carry my weapon in these zones.

Now I know its against the law and that is bad... but if someone at Fort Hood or Virginia Tech was breaking it to carry their concealed handgun and stopped the killer I would imagine that they would be supported by the public.

So my question is: Do you as a law abiding citizen decide for yourself where to protect yourself? Basically, do you ignore the law pertaining to carry?
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We don't talk about illegal acts here on THR. At least we used to not. I guess things have changed while I have been gone.
Well I think its a question that needs to be answered. For the good of not only gun owners but the innocent lives that they would save.

As of now I am too scared to break the law... But God forbid if I was ever in a situation like that I would wish that I had my gun for sure.
Well I guess everyone is afraid to post. Yall act like you live in a communist country. We do have a thing called freedom of speech in America, there is nothing wrong with talking about it.

67 views now and 1 ridiculous response. :cuss:
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For one thing, it has been about an hour, so let's not get all worked up just yet.

For another thing, it is hard to put into words the attitude towards CPZ's and other places that disarm citizens.
How about this:
If the GFZ in question has armed guards who take responsibility for the safety of those within, it isn't too annoying, but I still don't see why I need to be disarmed.
If the GFZ has metal detectors or other methods that disarm people across the board, and not just the small subset of the population that obeys signage, then that's mostly OK.
If the GFZ sign isn't prominently displayed (as in, smaller than a no-smoking sign they are required to post here in OH) in a location that has no method for detecting a firearm or preventing entry ... then maybe I didn't see the sign (and when I see a sign for the first time on the way out, I don't feel very guilty about it)
If the GFZ is prominently displayed, and there is no legal requirement for it to be a GFZ, then I don't need to go there, now do I?

In the extremely unlikely event that I was present for a VT/Ft Hood/Luby's type incident, my CC is for the purposes of getting the hell OUT of gunfights, anyway. I'm not willing to be a victim, but why should it be MY responsibility to protect people who could have armed themselves? I'm not a cop and I'm not part of the SWAT team. If the opportunity were to present itself to stop the threat, I'd take it, but otherwise, I'm making a tactical retreat through the nearest exit, or if trapped, waiting for the right moment to shoot&scoot.
Do you as a law abiding citizen decide for yourself where to protect yourself? Basically, do you ignore the law pertaining to carry?

No. I follow all applicable laws, because I'm not a criminal, and as such, I don't get to decide which laws I will and will not follow.

And the most probable reason that you haven't gotten many replies (or at least ones you want to get) is because as mentioned earlier, we don't discuss breaking the law here. The High Road is about responsible gun ownership. Part of being a responsible gun owner is following the law. That means that if the law states that carry is illegal, we don't carry. If we don't agree with a law, we work together to get it changed - we don't ignore it and do what we want.
Well I feel that stopping the attacker would be the right thing to do. And if it means I get hurt or killed saving the lives of a large number of people V.S. saving just myself and letting other innocent people die, thats fine.

It would do allot of good for the pro gun argument as well.
Well I feel that stopping the attacker would be the right thing to do.

You might be right. And for what it's worth, I agree. Unfortunately "feelings" don't really matter much when it comes to laws. I "feel" that CCW should be legalized in the state that I live in, but unless I do something about it, it never will be. And usually, that "something" includes being a good citizen and not taking the law into my own hands.

It would do a lot of good for the pro gun argument as well.

Very possible. However, writing congress members to protest bad laws would do a lot more. Just saying.
Well when is enough... enough? I mean when should we ignore the tyranny of GFZ for our own good. Does the chance to do good and save your own life outweigh the chance that you get arrested for carrying illegally.
We do have a thing called freedom of speech in America, there is nothing wrong with talking about it.
Yes, and I am also free from self-incrimination. Oh, and I live in Illinois, which is one great big gun free zone.
Quote : I mean when should we ignore the tyranny of GFZ for our own good.

That is a question that each Individual will have to ask Him or her self, cuz the consequences will be different in each instance. Its more or less a Moral Judgment, I for one am Guided mostly by Morals than Tyranny. Plus there are Very Few GFZ in Montana.
Well when is enough... enough? I mean when should we ignore the tyranny of GFZ for our own good. Does the chance to do good and save your own life outweigh the chance that you get arrested for carrying illegally.

Look, man, it's like this - many of the members here might agree with you 100%, but it doesn't matter. Why? Because we simply don't discuss such things here. It's just that simple. We are about responsibility, not circumventing laws when it suits our agendas and beliefs.

Not trying to be a jerk - just telling it like it is. You're probably going to get way more frustrated before you get the discussion you want.
Following the law is not a ridiculous response. On THR, we follow the law, PERIOD. You might do yourself a favor and remember that when you are involved in a shooting, and the DA decides to give your entire life a colo-rectal exam, he will be looking not only at YOUR posts, but also all of the posts AROUND yours. We as a forum AND as a responsible gun-owning public, don't need a lot of traffic in here explaining how we prefer to break the law. Get your own but thrown in jail. Enjoy. (I hope you're the groom.) Don't expect the REST of us to indulge you in conversation about it. There are enough ramifications when we DO follow the law. If you DON'T, you are completely on your own.

No I will not carry anywhere prohibited by law. I happen to spend a lot of time on military posts. If that means I have to leave my gun at home, so be it.
We don't talk about illegal acts here on THR. At least we used to not. I guess things have changed while I have been gone.
No, they haven't.

We are about responsibility, not circumventing laws when it suits our agendas and beliefs.

Not trying to be a jerk - just telling it like it is. You're probably going to get way more frustrated before you get the discussion you want.
Well put.

We are a nation of laws, and being on The High Road means (in part) respecting those laws. We don't have to like all of them, but we will respect them and follow them, and work within the legal processes to alter the ones that we don't like....

Well I guess everyone is afraid to post. Yall act like you live in a communist country. We do have a thing called freedom of speech in America, there is nothing wrong with talking about it.
What a childish rant.

Cherrypickin' which laws you intend to follow is not on The High Road. If you chose to do that - as all of us are free to do - that's on you. But don't expect that this forum is going to provide you with public affirmation of that choice.
First, I follow the law. Second, I don't think it would be at all smart for anyone to admit on a public Internet forum that he does, or would plan to, break the law. Third, it's probably not a good idea to ask people in a public place if they do or would break the law and expect answers.
I don't carry in places that are illegal. In places that are not posted, I open carry. In places that are posted with signs, but not illegal, I carry concealed. I know, now the "respect the rights of property owners" lecture is coming. My philosophy is this, how bad am I stepping on someone else's rights by carrying a piece of metal on my belt that they don't know is there? It's not affecting them at all.
We do have a thing called freedom of speech in America

Posting on a privately owned internet forum invokes no first amendment argument whatsoever. To argue otherwise would be pure ignorance of the law.
whatever said:
KAK said:
We do have a thing called freedom of speech in America
Posting on a privately owned internet forum invokes no first amendment argument whatsoever. To argue otherwise would be pure ignorance of the law.
And anything you say can be used against you.

In any case, freedom of speech is essentially a political notion. Government can't in general regulate the content of your communications. But freedom of speech has nothing whatsoever to do with the rules that the operator of, for example, an Internet forum chooses to set for communications on his property.
Since I live in NJ and right next to NY pretty much everywhere here is a gun free zone. I wouldn't be carrying to begin with but I'm pretty quick to be able to assess a situation and whether or not I could make a difference, in which case, barehanded or armed it would depend on the situation and the most likely outcome.
KAK, we don't discuss or propose anything outside the law here--or at The Firing it's not in line with our mission statement. You read the mission statement when you registered, did you not?

Me, I prefer a light touch in moderating, which is why I came up with the "Art's Grammaw" idea. We try to persuade Grammaw that we're grownup law-abiding citizens. If we can convince her, maybe we can also convince the neutrals or the mildly anti-gun types that we're not a bunch of Jukes and Kallikaks, not knuckle-dragging Neanderthals.

I fake it as best I can...

One thing for sure: If I'm gonna do something which isn't really looked upon with favor by those in authority, I ain't gonna go spoutin' off on the Internet. I figure that if I keep my fat mouth shut, nobody knows what I'm thinking. What "they" don't know won't hurt me. :D
Well I feel that stopping the attacker would be the right thing to do. And if it means I get hurt or killed saving the lives of a large number of people V.S. saving just myself and letting other innocent people die, thats fine.

Well KAK, if that's how you truly feel, it sounds like you are a prime candidate for the Police Academy. (If you can cut it.)
Sorry Im studying Entrepreneurship in business school as of now. :D
If you are carrying because you care about your life or the lives of others, it wouldn't be necessary to discuss it with anyone. The only discussion about an incident involving an illegal carry would be with your god, or the local attorney at law.
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