Do you "double-tap"?

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Not sure if we're debating semantics or not.

No Ed, I think we are all on the same page, just with some different wording. That's why I prefere to use what Gabe Saurez says, (I not sure if he was the one to say it first) "See what you need to see to get the hits and don't worry about what it's called"

It's hard to talk about something that you don't name, but, I think we are understanding each other.

Terms like "body indexing" can be misleading, due to fact that you can do it from a typical sighted shooting position (gun at eye level) and alternative shooting positions. At eye level you can depend on your natural point of aim (NPOA) and ignor your sights. Your body indexing is your NPOA.

The alternative shooting positions such as "close contact" and "compressed ready" are both unsighted and fired tight against your body, ideal for contact distances. The body indexing is truely how you position the weapon against your body.

The more I practice, the better my "body index" becomes...faster acquisition, better accuracy, and a developing sense of confidence that I will have some control when that day comes.

Rage, very well said, all of these techniques require practice, so you can become confident in them. You will not know what you are capable of if you never push the envelope.

Debating this topic on a forum is fruitless and does nothing except get me into an uproar and make a fool of myself. In real life I am not quite as pig headed as I appeared on GT.

I never thought your beliefs were foolish, but, when your doing this :banghead: all the time, it's hard to come across as anything but. It's good to hear from you from time to time, just don't let them suck you in. There's nothing there but a headache!:D
One of the first things the man who coached me said was "do not double tap, aim each shot, know where you shots are going". I tried to stay away from double taps etc. I would find my self assuming I hit the target and not sure of my follow up shots.
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