Do You Have a Facebook Account? Guess What? So Do All of Your Elected Officials!

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Moderator Emeritus
Dec 29, 2002
If you have a Facebook account, one way that you can make your voice heard in the "national conversation on guns :barf:" is to make posts on the Facebook walls of your elected representatives.

Keep it short and civil, but make it clear that you do not approve of a reinstatement of the phoney ban modern sporting rifles or >10 round magazines.

For those of you who care, this morning I've left notes on the Facebook pages of both of my senators, my representative, and the governor of my state.

I strongly urge all of you to do this. It's another venue for political activism, and one that costs you no money, is publicly viewable, and for the elected officials who are savvy, something that will be taken into account.
Done and done. I left a lengthy rebuttal to someone who was imploring a politician to ban guns to "think of the children!" I told THEM to think of the children, and explained why gun control is a feel-good measure that will not actually make people safer - only getting criminals off the street will.

both of mine have it set where you can't leave a message on their wall.. oh, you can post after they have left one of their political messages on their wall, but looking through, there has never been an answer from the politician...
Thanks for posting this Justin. Unfortunately, what some of the folks are saying about politicians disallowing comments on their FB's is correct.

That doesn't stop us from posting on THEIR posts, however.
If you have a Facebook account, one way that you can make your voice heard in the "national conversation on guns :barf:" is to make posts on the Facebook walls of your elected representatives.

Keep it short and civil, but make it clear that you do not approve of a reinstatement of the phoney ban modern sporting rifles or >10 round magazines.

For those of you who care, this morning I've left notes on the Facebook pages of both of my senators, my representative, and the governor of my state.

I strongly urge all of you to do this. It's another venue for political activism, and one that costs you no money, is publicly viewable, and for the elected officials who are savvy, something that will be taken into account.
O believe you me I do...................
If the comments on their pages become too embarrassing, they get removed... that is, if you can even leave comments.
I also should note that many sheriffs also have facebook pages. Be sure to find out if yours has one. The sheriff in my district in PA has been contacted and he is in our corner.
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