Do you have WMDs?

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Jan 6, 2007
Central Ky.
I have been bantering back and forth on a local forum debating gun control. In the last day or two the anti's have been blathering about banning and restricting "weapons of mass destruction" in reference to Ar type rifles. Is anyone else hearing this or is it just local?
I have pointed out that the very same people were saying that Bush lied because no WMDs were found in Iraq. Did the Iraqis have no rifles?:rolleyes: I don't think we should let this terminology go unchallenged,but should expose it for the ridiculous hyperbole it is.
I heard a guest on a cable news show (possibly on msnbc) use the same terminology a week or so ago.
Maybe? I have several knives that can be used over and over thousands of times and never have to be reloaded. kelly
only after the wife makes pork chops. those things are WMDs in their own right.
So do you own an automobile?? That could be considered one for sure.:scrutiny:

A mass shooting is where more than 3 people are killed/injured so what is different with a car wreck!!
Guess what specific weapon caused more death than any other? The Mongol bow.... I guess that makes my Bear compound bow a multiple-warhead ICBM </sarcasm>
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I don't have any WMD's. Things will begin to get serious in a couple weeks. Time to contact your poltical representatives and politely express your views.
I've heard this used in blogs and on the news, but it is irrational and illogical.

Every time that it is brought up point out that WMDs have to kill hundreds or thousands with a single use and tossing the term about is like tossing the N-word around. Irrational, shock oriented, prejudicial.
The WMD = guns line of thinking is one that gets trotted out with boring regularity by particularly stupid people. If confronted with this argument, you should smile, because pwnage is easy.

Your more idiotic breed of anti-gun person will simply try to draw a correlation between a firearm and a nuclear/biological/chemical weapon.

When that argument gets trotted out, the best thing to do is to point out the (blazingly obvious to anyone with more than three brain cells) difference between the two, and note that no serious governmental body would classify rifles as WMDs.

A slightly more clever breed of anti will try to use the argument to box you into a corner. On the one hand, if you claim that you believe that WMDs are covered by the 2nd Amendment, they'll simply point out that you're clearly a lunatic.

On the other hand, if you say that you don't believe that WMDs are protected under the 2nd Amendment, they'll try to use it as an "Ah-HA!" moment to claim that "see, you do believe in some form of weapons control" after which they'll try to tie that argument back around to why we should ban guns that they perceive as being somehow more dangerous than average.

There's no doubt that this particular argument is completely fatuous, but if you don't handle it with some level of care, you will end up looking stupid or being painted as a hypocrite.

When confronted with the second version of this argument, the best thing to do is to focus on a little thing I like to call "The Real World" and point out that there is no political movement in either direction for the right to possess WMDs, and as a result, you're much more interested in keeping the conversation focused on whether or not we should be throwing people in jail because they own black guns and/or standard capacity magazines.

This will make you look like someone who's honestly interested in taking part in a discussion, rather than engaging in hyperbolic theoretical discussions. It will also drive your anti-gun adversaries up the freaking wall, which can be a joy to behold.
Justin's right, I apply such tactics as often as possible while pointing out fact and truth. It will drive them up the wall, it will also drive them to insulting you and sometimes your uh...anatomy. That's how you know you've won.
Weapons of mass destruction in NC law is used to refer to sawed off shotguns and full auto weapons. I don't know if other states do this as well but I think the earlier posters were correct.
...When that argument gets trotted out, the best thing to do is to point out the (blazingly obvious to anyone with more than three brain cells) difference between the two...

But people with only two working cells still vote.
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