Do You Think Machineguns Should be legal with a Background Check Only?

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Jan 17, 2006
Western Missouri
This is just a "what if" question. I'm asking do you think machineguns should be legal with a Form 4473 and a minimum age requirement?

Simple as that.

Do You Think It Should be subguns legal but not assault rifles? Or some other limitation?

Or do you think the current NFA system is adequate?

Please explain, and thanks!
Not necessarily, but they definitely should rollback the entire idiotic 1986 amendment and allow production of new transferable MGs.
Yes. The intent of the 2A was that every citizen be able to serve in the militia, whether it was necessary to defend the state or to resist it, as necessary.

Militia is basically light infantry. The weaponry of the modern light infantry includes machineguns, assault rifles, grenade launchers, and light anti-tank rockets.
I'd love that.

Moreso than that though, I think anyone who can purchase a handgun should be able to carry concealed with it virtually anywhere.
Yes. Full-autos and short barrels should be classified and transfer the same as "normal" firearms.

There is virtually nothing that makes a full-auto or short barreled shotgun more deadly than anyother "normal" firearm.

I think all firearms should available for purchase without a person needing to be "approved." That means no NICS, no 4473, no waiting, no questions.
I think machineguns, sbr's and the like should be sold the same as any other firearm. I dont have a problem with background checks like some do. Our justice system is broken when murders, rapist, drug dealers, and armed robbers find their way back on the streets after a conviction. Untill we fix that problem I support background checks so no guns for violent criminals, but not the stupid waiting periods. As I said many may not agree with that sentiment but I feel that when you decide to commit a violent crime you also have made the decision to give up your rights including the right to bear arms.
Think...... Wild Wild West. I personally don't want any of these wannabee gang banger kids running around with easier (no check) MG access.

I think they should be allowed with BG check only. They should also make new production so the 15K price tags drop. ...... .02
Why the 4473, why the background check, why the age requirement?

You shouldn't have to ask permission to exercise a right

See above. If you murder, rape, or otherwise deliberately do serious harm to a person you decided to give up your rights. As for age owning firearms is as much of a responsibility as it is a right. Would you be in favor of letting 12 year olds drive a car? If not then why would you sell a 12 y/o a gun? I dont trust children to make responsible decisions all the time (but then alot of adults dont seem to be good at that either). Letting little johnny go down to the gun shop and buy a MP5 no questions asked sounds like a recipe for disaster to me. I dont let my kids play with matches, and I damn sure dont let them handle firearms without proper supervison. Do you?

Do background checks (or any other form of gun control) stop criminals from obtaining weapons? Here is a clue, they are called criminals because they commit crimes.
In short no I dont think there is anyway to prevent a motivated person from arming themselves should they choose to do so. However because I can do something does not make it right. Like I said these people should never be put back on the street, but they are and I will never support allowing them to be armed. If they are caught its just another good reason to send them back to prison.
Do background checks (or any other form of gun control) stop criminals from obtaining weapons? Here is a clue, they are called criminals because they commit crimes.
Thats pretty obvious to everyone here. I would guess what was meant by that is aside from straw purchases and the occasional corrupt FFL, those with a criminal backgrounds do not go to dealers to buy guns where they'd have to pass a background check. Of course criminals often obtain their firearms in an easier and less costly way on the black market or through theft. While on one hand I'd love to see the repeal of all gun laws, everything, I also feel that the background check it one of the few things that works as far as separating "US" from "THEM".
I also feel that the background check it one of the few things that works as far as separating "US" from "THEM".

If you mean by needlessly inconveniencing "US" while not affecting "THEM" in the least, I agree.
I think they should allow production and transfer of new full auto weapons to civilians. I can live with the background check. The pricing on full autos is absolutely ridiculous these days.

While I don't have any sort of issue with civilian-owned burp guns...and I surely don't ask why anyone would need one, since what you need is of no concern to me...I have to ask why anybody would want one. Horribly expensive to have to jump through all sorts of government-mandated hoops and literally make your life an open book...and you're subject to an "inspection" at whim. All that for a machine that gobbles up ammunition at an alarming rate...burns out barrels while you me on this gets old and boring very quickly.

Just a few thoughts for all prospective buyers. Having owned a few in my time, it reached a point of diminishing returns...not really worth the investment and the I transferred'em back to the dealer and used the money to buy more practical, needful things.:)
Would you be in favor of letting 12 year olds drive a car? If not then why would you sell a 12 y/o a gun?
A 12 year old may buy a car (provided he/she has the wherewithal and desire to do so) though they still are not allowed to drive legally on public roads. On private land is another matter. A lot of Montana ranch kids are driving by 12 (or long before), and they can get their "learning" permit at 14 1/2 and license at 15.

Back when I was 12, I could have bought a gun via mail order :p

It is such a comfort to me that felons will break into my house to steal a gun instead of buying it at a store :rolleyes:
I have no problem with the 1934 NFA. I do believe that the additional limitations placed on Title II weapons by the 1968 GCA and the 1986 FOPA are unnecessary and should be repealed.

My $.02.
It is such a comfort to me that felons will break into my house to steal a gun instead of buying it at a store

OMG :banghead: . When I see so many people in this circle willing to give rights to violent criminals to purchase fireams I really start to worry about the future of the 2nd ammendment. We "gun nuts" are as much of a minority as hardcore antis. The majority of people in America are on the fence about the issue. When supposed advocates of gun owners rights start tossing about wild statements like "I think felons and kids should be allowed to buy guns" you make arguments from Rosie O sound logical to the average American. Tell your fence setting friend you think a guy just released from prison for rape/murder should be able to buy a gun, and see if your taken seriously afterwards, you probably just made an anti.
Transferring full-autos as regular firearms would be great. Getting rid of the whole 4473 hooey would be even better.
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