Do you use Same Night Sights on All possible CCW's?

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Jul 11, 2010
Dirty Dirty South
This question is two-fold.

1. I welcome all discussion pertaining to the concept of having the same night sight picture on all carry guns for the purpose of familiar sight picture when it counts. (If we even actually SEE our sights at all when we're hard-focused on a threat.)

2. I have had a Glock 36 for EDC for few years now and love it. It has had Ameriglo Operators green/green on it since shortly after purchase and I'm very fond of the daytime sight picture, perfectly satisfied with the night view and very used to them by now.

I just purchased a Glock 19 to carry interchangeably with the G36 when the mood strikes/mission calls for it, etc. After much debate, I have decided on the Ameriglo Operator green/yellow for my own reasons, BUT everyone has stopped carrying these.


For the record, I decided I wanted green/yellow on G19 so that I could discern at a glance in complete darkness which caliber I was grabbing just in case I did have time to mentally adjust for the rhythm of the different recoil.

G36 and G19 are very similar in dimension. Though I WOULD know instantly by the feel of the grip, I think, I still wanted definitive data at a glance.

If I were to try and rapidly engage with the G36 like I can with the G19, my accuracy would be less than effective at any range beyond point blank.

So, 1. What's your opinion of differing sights on carry guns?

and 2. Where the heck can I get green/yellow ameriglo operators and WHY has everyone stopped carrying them?
Thanks, PV. I may have to order direct from them then. Disappointed though, Cheaper Than Dirt had the best price I've found and, apparently, they're no longer available there.
I wish my sight pictures were the same!

For the longest time I carried a PT145 with Heinie sights. Swapping from Heinies to regular sights would mess me up terribly!

That's been fixed though. I've almost streamlined my pistol collection into the same brand and model. (FNP series.)
I looked long and hard at Heinies, myself. Though they seemed very easy to pick up, simple (which I love) and very easy to align for...closer-quarter...accuracy, I felt I had better quick precision aiming ability at the slightly farther ranges with traditional 3-dot.

And Yes, I know the slightly farther ranges are asking for indictment, but you just never know what kind of situation will call for the use of your gun in defense.

I can definitely imagine situations where the need for an unconventionally farther shot may very well be necessary. So I went with the 3-dot for all my guns.

Wow. Thought my last post was bland and it got nibbled up better than I'd thought it would.

Thought this one actually engaged MOST people here and it's hardly been touched.

Hope this topic hasn't been beaten to death and then some.

If so, sorry to be THAT guy.
yes i have been using big dot sights on all my carry and defensive guns for many years, weather it be a glock, and xd etc. however they will all be replaced with trjicon night sights, as i prefer the precision that i can get out of them if i so desire. all of my defens/ carry guns will go to having three dot sights, the same brand and everything.
I don't have the exact same sights on all my CCWs, but they are limited by chance or subconscious preference to 3 dot or the "dot the i" variety such as Heine or the standard Kahr sights.

I don't seem to have much trouble switching between them, but I do prefer the Heine for rapid acquisition.
If they dont come from the factory, I put three dot night sights (all green, Meprolights) on pretty much everything that will take them. Same sights with every gun. KISS at its best.

I've been shooting the three dots since before they were lit, and at this point, I see and shoot the dots before I see a traditional sight picture. I actually have to shift focus to get one.
I prefer all green 3 dot night sights. I do not really like the 'bar dot' style sights, and i think that the yellow rear sight tritium sights are too dim.

Just my opinion.
Valorious, I actually want the rear sight to be much less noticeable than the front, but plenty visible to line up a shot.

Did you have experience with a new enough set to see them at their brightest?

I don't have experience with the yellow rear and have heard some differing perspectives, but thought I heard that the orange rear were the problem ones. Due to shorter tritium life span or something.
The set i had was brand new. The yellow was barely visible at night, even when they were brand new. This was about 10 years ago.

I have no trouble at all using 3 dot all-green sights.

I've experimented with a lot of different night sights, lasers and night capable optics on my guns. To me, short of a really good laser setup (I love the pressure activated crimson trace laserguard system- have one on my Ruger LCP), all green 3 dots are what i like best for night time shooting. I've never seen orange rear night sights in person, so i cannot comment on them.
Interesting. Well when I got my 3-dot grn/grn set on my 36 I was actually going to buy grn/yellow or orange and I think the salesman told me about what you're tellin' me now and I went with the all green and have never really had an issue.

Maybe I should just stick with what works. Thanks for your perspective.

That's what I love about this forum. Gun Talk 24/7 as much as you can make time for and multiply ten-fold your daily in-take of valuable knowledge and feedback on your favorite topics.

Thanks, again, guys. I'll have to thunk on it.
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