Does any one here like guns?

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My heart just melted when I saw the guns.........wish I had seen this thread when it was new I love your work.
Does that weaken the barrel?

It shouldn't and in fact should make it stronger and cool better since more surface area is exposed. It could reduce hamonics as well.

All of any heat treating is priority infomation from any builders, but then no barrels are glass hard for a reason, and the barrels that are to hard get weeded out pretty quick.

Most barrels with in reason are filing work soft at what ever Rockwell they are..
Does that weaken the barrel?

I was at the Tulsa Arms Show a few years back, and couple of factory reps. from Ruger came by.
They all looked at the guns and one of them brought that question up.
I did not say a thing, just stood there and listened to what they said.
And that was the file work did not weaken the barrel.
Why? Because they are made so StRONG, not just strong enough to work.
But strong enough to never ever fail, UNLESS something really crazy was done.
Like blocking the barrel and blowing it up, and that would happen file work or NO file work.....:rolleyes:

So I'm going to go with the experts and say NO..... :)

Now I'm talking about my file work being OK.
You could cut a barrel deep enough that yes it would have affect on it....:eek::rolleyes:

Thanks for the replies.

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