Does Clays look like this?

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Hello, Steve...I just gotta ask..Why are you asking? Are you dealing with a batch of mixed powders? Or just some broken down ammo? Trying to identify smokeless by sight can be dangerous.
My Clays has some of those donuts in it as well. When I first noticed them I thought oh my goodness, how did I get TB in my Clays, but a new one pounder was the same way.

It doesn't mean that is Clays.

Just for fun. Trying to guess at some rounds I disassembled. Not going to use the powder.


I think it is Clays. I just found my jug and it looks just like his.
That's what some other guy said, but he's a little crazy, so it's good to have independent confirmation.
Remember, there is Clays, Universal Clays, and International Clays - all made by the same company with different burn rates but are similar looking
Dump it, its not worth having someone else open your ketchup bottles for the rest of your life-
The OP has several threads going on powder ID. In pretty much all of them, he explains that he is not going to use the powder, he's just interested in learning what powders others were using in found loads.
I think Steve understands there is a difference between Clays, Universal and International. They don't look anything alike, at least not Clays and Universal. Two very different looking powders. He also also acknowledged the disclaimer about not re-using the powders, so lets just answer the question.

Steve, are you sure that's a dot in the center of the marker flakes, or are they hollow?
I just bought some cans of Clay's last week and it looks the same. The little doughnuts look suspiciously like Trail Boss, but are actually smaller in diameter.

I loaded 100 rounds of .45ACP with the stuff which I shot this afternoon, and works great. Shoots really clean.

I wouldn't worry about it. If the OP doesn't want to use it, I'll take it off his hands.
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