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Does your car have a panic button on the keychain?

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Apr 29, 2006
Auburn, NY
I just read today an interesting tip that I thought was worth passing along. If you have a remote for your car, either a key fob or one of those fancy keys with the buttons built in, does it have a panic button?

An interesting strategy and tactic for this remote is to keep it on your nightstand at night. In the event that you are awoken to the sound of someone trying to break into the house, (after you grab your gun) set off your car's alarm. It's a great way to draw the neighbors' attention, and let the thief know that people are gonna be peeking out the windows all over the street in a few seconds.
although it may eventually draw attention most people ignore car alarms.

... during the day.

At night, when you hear an alarm, you aren't gonna poke your head out the window to see if it's yours?
That is interesting, the first I’ve thought about using a car alarm for advantage in a home break in scenario. Thanks for the post-
No. Every time I leaned over, or against a desk, the keys or coins in my pocket were pressing the darned thing. I got sick and tired of it going off, so I used a knife the cut the trace on the circuit board that led to the panic button. It's inert now.

A friend asked, "So what will you do if you are attacked or something?"

"Look on my hip..."

"Oh, right."
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You people and your fancy electronics. My truck is 22 years old- no keyfob buttons for me. Hell, a few weeks ago the ignition cylinder decided it didn't need the key in it to turn, so now I have keyless ignition. :)
Yes, my key fob does have a panic button. But I don't think it will do me any good. I park my truck in the garage next to my wife's car. Most of my neighbors are unaware that you can do that. They use their garages to store useless junk and park their $10k to $30k cars on the street. Go figure.
In my experience people ignore car alarms at night too. I answered an alarm call in the wee hours of the morning, The call came in from people almost 6 blocks from where the car alarm was going off. I found the car, it was parked in the driveway and the battery was nearly dead it, the alarm had been sounding that long. I was unable to wake the residents of the house up by banging on the door, had to have the dispatcher call them on the phone. None of the neighbors in the immediate vicinity woke up. It took an insomniac (that's why she told me she was up) 6 blocks away to call it in. The sound wasn't even recognizable as a car alarm from her residence, the call came in as a possible problem with an electrical transformer.

There was no break in, the alarm had been malfunctioning. The panic button might be good to mark your location for the responding officers, but I wouldn't count on anyone hearing your car alarm and calling the police.

Most people ignore car alarms around here, both day and night.

But, it might work to spook the intruder a bit, and balance the psychological odds.

Well they may be ignored BUT what would it hurt to press that little button? It certainly MIGHT be a help if nothing more than to distract the BG..
You should test this before hand. I know for a fact I have to walk half-way through my house before the signal from my car remote will actually reach my car. My remote will transmit about 60 feet in a parking lot but when you add walls and brick to that it cut's it down considerably.
Would it make more sense to mount really bright lights where you park your car and around your house, and if you hear a noise, flip 'em on?

You can remote-control lights, these days, if you want to have a panic-button key-chain thingie for turning them on.
I have flood lights on each corner of my house and two that point at the driveway. They all have motion sensors so they come on whenever something moves near them.
flashing sign at the foot of the stairs: This Way To The Egress-->

and the door to the moat swings just one way :uhoh:
You people and your fancy electronics. My truck is 22 years old- no keyfob buttons for me. Hell, a few weeks ago the ignition cylinder decided it didn't need the key in it to turn, so now I have keyless ignition.

hell, mine is only 6 years old and it decided to let me pull the keys out while the car is on recently... so now if i ever get pulled over and ordered to hand over the keys, i can do it while the car is on...
I have had a number of older key cylinders fail to retain the key.

None of them would turn without the key, but you could pull it out with the cylinder in any position.

Any disturbance is likely to 'bother' someone up to no good.
Lights or sound suddenly going on will do the trick.

The only person's attention you are trying to get is someone breaking in.
I keep the panic button next to my gun on my nightstand.

See, I've spoken with my neighbor. If the alarm starts howling in the middle of the night, my neighbor will arm himself and investigate the situation. I told him I would do the same.

It's a great way at drawing attention in my area anyway. Usually things are quiet and an alarm wailing in my DRIVEWAY at 2 am is gonna attract attention.

I think it's a good plan.
You people and your fancy electronics. My truck is 22 years old- no keyfob buttons for me. Hell, a few weeks ago the ignition cylinder decided it didn't need the key in it to turn, so now I have keyless ignition.

What's disappointing about this is that 22 years ago is 1986. :(
Great idea, my house is in an area of 1/4 acre lots, so it'd wake up probably 12-15 houses.

Most people might ignore a car alarm, but I always peek if it goes off for more than a few seconds. You never know when a vigilant (or nosy!) neighbor might call for help or give you backup if they see trouble. Personally, I probably would not do this because my car is parked right outside my neighbor's bedroom window, so I like to think she would call the police if it were going off in the middle of the night, but she would probably just come over and knock on my door, exposing herself to possible danger.
My car does have the button and it may work in my neighborhood.
I live in a quiet little town and most of my neighbors like to snoop so if a car alarm is going off at 3am i can guarantee someone will call the police.
I also have a LEO that lives a couple houses away but he doesnt like me due to a situation with his daugher that isnt exactly highroad ;)
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