Doing Freedom magazine

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Dec 24, 2002
For those not familiar with it, Doing Freedom is an online monthly magazine on freedom-related topics. It publishes a minimal amount of commentary, and is 90% how-to. It has published articles on subjects from self-sufficiency to travel to communications to firearms (see? Gun-related :) ). Our own Jim March wrote a piece on sunshine laws for them a few months ago.

Gun-related articles form a significant part of the magazine's coverage, and in recent months nearly every article has included one. They range from a serious look at how to monkeywrench Canada's registration system (quite possibly applicable here before too long), descriptions of basic reloading setups, cheap but quality handguns, battle rifles, and others.

Please take a look at the article index and see if you think this is a worthwhile publication. If so, I urge you to subscribe. The magazine can no longer afford to exist solely on reader donations, and has been forced to adopt a subscription system. If enough subscriptions aren't made by the September issue, the magazine will likely go dormant for lack of funding.

So - if you think this information is of value, please subscribe to help ensure the continued existence of the magazine. TANSTAAFL.

I'm not being paid for this; my motive is simply that I enjoy this magazine and would very much like to see it thrive. I have subscribed myself - my money (a whole whopping $6) is where my mouth is. :)

Mods - It occured to me as I posted this that maybe I should have checked with you before posting it. :eek: Please let me know if this is considered inappropriate for the forum.
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