Don't draw your cellphone in NYC!

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Nov 10, 2005
New Hampshire
Oh, brilliant. So now, people pulling out their cellphones in NYC can be "justified shootings" for the city's finest?

From the NY Post:



May 18, 2006 -- New York cops are on the lookout for a deadly weapon right out of a James Bond movie - a rapid-fire pistol disguised as a cellphone, The Post has learned.

Cops - especially officers assigned to security at Police Headquarters and courthouses - have been told to use "extreme caution" handling cellphones when they search suspects, according to an internal NYPD "Operations Order" obtained by The Post.

"This gun is very difficult to detect visually," it notes.

In the May 11 order, issued by Commissioner Ray Kelly, all NYPD commanders are ordered to notify their subordinates about the sinister new weapon.

"Law-enforcement agencies overseas have reported the recovery of several caches of .22-caliber handguns disguised as cellular phones," the order says.

Beneath the digital phone face is a European-made .22-caliber handgun capable of firing four rounds in rapid succession when the numbers 5, 6, 7 or 8 is depressed.

Although .22 pistols are considered "light weapons" that do not have the stopping power of handguns firing larger bullets at higher velocities, they're among the most popular guns in the world.

Users range from Navy SEALs - who favor the Ruger MKII model - to Mafia assassins, who appreciate the way a .22 round has enough penetrating power to enter someone's skull without exiting, causing maximum brain damage when fired at close range.

Joseph Green, a spokesman for the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, said news about the nefarious gizmos have circulated within law-enforcement circles for several years, although none are believed to have surfaced domestically.

"To the best of ATFE's knowledge, none have been recovered in the United States," said Green, who termed the NYPD warning a wise preventative measure.

The decoy phone guns - which don't light up like ordinary cellphones - have been circulated throughout the European underworld, with caches of them uncovered during drug and arms busts in the Netherlands and Slovenia.

The Department of Homeland Security and the FBI are among law-enforcement agencies that have been made aware of the devices.

Airline baggage screeners have also been briefed about the cell guns to thwart any attempts to sneak them aboard planes.

The NYPD memo indicates that the gun is loaded by sliding it open and inserting four .22 caliber bullets into separate hidden chambers.

After the gun is loaded, it can then be slid back into one piece, so it looks like a typical phone, although "it will feel heavier than a real cellular phone," the order notes.

The barrel resembles a cellphone antenna.

The NYPD order includes a detailed schematic drawing that lays out a variety of technical details on the gun's operation and construction, including the location of the firing pins, where and how the bullets are hidden and the individual triggering buttons.

An appendix shows three photographs of a man holding the phone gun in his hands and firing it - pictures that appear to have been taken from a popular Internet video clip showing the weapon in actual use.

[email protected]
Any-Other-Weapon. Been regulated for over 70 years now. More liberal media hysteria over something that is already illegal for most people.
I agree it's hysteria. What I worry about is that if this IS actually being hyped at the police there, that someone who suddenly pulls out a cellphone (especially if it did a silent-vibrating ring in their pocket) around a cop is going to end up getting shot, and it will be judged a "justified shoot", since it COULD have been a cellphone gun...!

Maned, what would it matter if the cop could not see it?:confused: Could have been a Desert Eagle for all that it matters.

I suspect it is budget time and the brass need something to get hysterical about so they seize on any issue--drugs, gangs, assault weapons of death and mayhem, hidden dangers to our brave officers, blah, blah, blah--and ride that white elephant to the bank.
They should have set up to fire when you punch in 911 that way you would get a better response vs a regular cell:D
The article must have made a mistake. It said these are from Europe. That can't be correct since they have gun control laws over there, right?
<sarcasm> New Hampshire and Georgia are smuggling them to Europe and then they are filtering back here into the otherwise safe havens of Mass, Kali, and NJ. :rolleyes:
They haven't been seen here !!! This reminds me of the anti-gun hysteria of congress trying to pass a law prohibiting a gun that existed only in drawings , in Europe .It had never been mad e or imported . Anyone remember that one ??
Although .22 pistols are considered "light weapons" that do not have the stopping power of handguns firing larger bullets at higher velocities, they're among the most popular guns in the world.

Users range from Navy SEALs - who favor the Ruger MKII model - to Mafia assassins, who appreciate the way a .22 round has enough penetrating power to enter someone's skull without exiting, causing maximum brain damage when fired at close range.

.22s are great for target shooting and plinking but are not highly effective offensive weapons. They may be effective for highly trained Mossad agents but that is for up close assasinations with supressors by highly trained individuals. The average street punk doesn't have have such training and is restricted from NFA components like supressors.

This is just another case of blind anti-gun hysteria.
Must be a slow news day. I first heard about these things on the Internet problably 6 years ago. Might have been a Post article, too. I heard they were coming from Eastern Europe and someone was found smuggling one at a airport years back.
It is just as easy to shoot someone with .22 LR as with any other gun. You don't need special training. Also, there are .22 LR pistols out there that are just as easy to conceal as this cell phone. Probably lighter also.

You can die from a .22 LR shot just as quick as from a .45 ACP if hit right. There was an article posted on this site a while back of a guy who killed a bear with a .22 LR. (of course the bear didn't die immediately.)
Am I the only one who thinks the actual model shown in that video is very hoax-y? It clearly doesn't have any sort of bolt or magazine arrangement, it's just really a derringer. Which seems like it would mean that you'd have four very obvious holes sticking out the top of it, with the bullets themselves instantly visable to anyone looking at the top of the weapon. On top of that, the phone itself looks extremely fake. There don't seem to be any electronics in there, and the screen looks visibly false. It doesn't seem patterned after any current models either. Just seems to me like any reasonable officer should be able to distinguish this from the real thing fairly quickly, all things being equal.
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