Don't rob Joe's pawn in Oklahoma (vid)

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Almost Athletic

That "scamper while hopping while dodging" run that Hood #1 executed was only about an 8.

Minus 1 point for style, minus 1 point for cadence.

Evasive maneuvers by the other two were unfortunately not recorded and cannot be scored.
$20,000 bond - that's all? How about $500,000 bond since it was armed robbery and felonious assault w/a firearm.

Too bad he missed one.
I think they got 20,000 dollar bond because they didn't shoot back and they will forever remember what happens when you rob pawn shops.:evil:
Hopefully those worthless punks will have learned a valuable life lesson. If not, they will do it again and with any luck next time they'll be killed.
:banghead: . DARN It ... Maybe the next shots will be better placed ! -------------------- > HEADSHOT !! :neener: :D :neener:
If they are doing this at 17 and 16 is there any hope that they will change. Give them one more chance, if they mess up, shoot on sight. That should go for ALL bg's not just these 3 jack-knobs!
Our nation would be a better place if the criminal element was taken out of it. Thats what kills me, the lib-***** want to take the law-abiding persons freedoms and rights, and give them to life long losers. I say bring back the gallows, and make people responsible for their actions!
Some not very High Road comments on this thread.

High Road towards who?

We are High Road towards citizens that defended themselves and making fun of 3 idiot criminals that decided to rob an armed pawn shop.

There's a limit to how much "make nice" you can do towards criminal dirtbags.

Too bad these idiots were a) not permanently removed from the gene pool and b) will probably get a minimum sentence, and serve even less of it, because of their ages.

Although watching BG #1 scamper and dodge as he's being fired at did bring a smile to my face.....
Judges need to remember that crooks get their bail money the same place(s) they get their other money, by robbing people.

Or maybe he really was thinking. The thugs only need 10% to get bail from a bondsman. If they take off, and they likely will, the bondsman will send guys who make the cops and the FBI look like pantywaists.

I have a lot to say, but my comments aren't High Road at all.

Well, at least the innocents were not hurt. That is a good thing. Chalk up another win for armed self defense.
$20,000 bond. Just business as usual. I wonder if the judge gets kickbacks from the bondsmen for setting "reasonable" bail amounts? :rolleyes:
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