Dressing for Concealed Carry

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Pocket Carry

I just started carrying: S&W Model 60, Desantis Nemesis pocket holster, two speed strips.

This has worked very well for me in both jeans and khakis, but not true dress pants (I print very badly in them).

Only thing I would change is deeper front pockets in my pants (I wear eddie bauer now).......next pair of jeans will have deep pockets (Duluth Trading Company, NRAStore, etc).
I carry a Springfield 1911A1 Custom Compact with a 3" barrel and rail. My leather is a Galco FLETCH worn on my strong side and I carry two extra 8 round mags in an Earnie Hill double mag pouch. I usually carry a third spare 8 round mag in my weak side pants pocket in a Galco Pocket Protector mag case.

I usually carry with my shirt out, however if needed, I can always put on a jacket and tuck my shirt in.

I HATE :cuss: IWB holsters and refuse to use them! They are just too uncomfortable for me to wear them 12 hours per day and I've actually had my side bruised from wearing one too long. If a holster isn't comfortable, you won't wear your weapon on a regular basis or you will let the entire world know you are CCW because you will be constantly adjusting your pants!

I prefer to carry strong side at all times because of weapons retention issues and wearing your wepon in the same place equates to "muscle memory" if you need to draw under stress.

In summary, find a SECURE and COMFORTABLE holster and wear your pistol strong side if at all possible.
I have a Glock 36 in a Milt Sparks Versa Max II on a Mitch Rosen 1.5" belt. This cost me about $200 (not including the gun). I usually wear a loose fitting hawaiian shirt and can conceal from anyone. If I'm feeling nervous and want to make sure I don't get made, I wear a T-shirt under it and am extra safe, but with a quality rig and a decent gun all I had to change was to take my pants up a size.



(Note: these photos are flipped horizontally)


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I use a 1.5" gunbelt with 2 OWB holster (LH & RH) for my 2 S&W Model 60s. Livin' in Hawaii, I usually use this set-up with T-Shirt, Shorts, and Slippers with zero problems.
The biggest adjustment for me was wearing t-shirts untucked (I'm former military). I have carried a 5" 1911 under a long T-shirt, though it got to be to heavy in the long run. Truth is, if you don't act nervous/odd to signal something is "just not right" about you, most people are totally oblivious to their surroundings: Condition White is most people's norm. In fact, 2 of the towns near mine prohibit CCW by local ordinance (we do not have statewide pre-emption, YET), but Open Carry is legal. You would be amazed how long it takes (if ever!) some people to realize there is a .45 stuck in my belt......
Has anybody tried to wear a shoulder holster over an undershirt with one of the aforementioned camp shirts with one false button so you could reach inside. I've been thinking for a bit that this might work okay but haven't studied it enough to really know. I was wondering what ya'lls thoughts on this kind of thing were...
Yes, I have, with a 4" K-frame. 'Camp shirts', Hawaiians, and Oxfords - carry's fine and dandy under any of 'em. Haven't done the false-button business yet.
Might not work well with horizontal carry. I use the Null SMZ rig (muzzle-up vertical shoulder holster), so I couldn't vouch for the horizontals. I expect other vertical rigs to work there, as well. No printing, no problems.
Jimmy Dean:

Some really good advice has been posted, if you can weed out the silly "I do this, so you should too" stuff.

1911 covered most of it:
* Get a good belt. Wilderness if you like nylon, the Beltman if you want leather. Ignore the folks that tell you it doesn't matter. wearing lightweight clothing (I live in Baton Rouge) makes the belt important. it will let the holster hug your body tighter.

* Get a good holster. if you want an IWB holster, by all means get one. I carry all day, every day in an OWB. With a good belt and a good holster you can do this. FWIW My EDC is a Glock 19. I can wear a dark T-shirt or a dark/patterned 'camp" shirt (squared off shirttail, untucked) w/ OWB holster any time. Comp-Tac (www.comp-tac.com) is a good place to start looking.

Before you start looking at all the shoulder, Thunderwear, SOB stuff, make an honest assessment of how you'd access your gun in a struggle. Most folks, including most instructors, use strong side carry.

* DO NOT compromise on your weapon just to make it easy to conceal. As Clint Smith will tell you, if your gun is really comfortable to carry, you are probably carrying the wrong gun. Please don't stoop to the Kel-Tecs. I have one. It's a backup for my BUG. To me, that's about all they are good for. Make sure you are carrying a dependable handgun.

* Buy your shirts (dark and/or patterned) a little on the large size. Academy and Wal-Mart have plenty to choose from. Believe me, you can carry OWB with just a T-shirt. BUT, you have to dress around the gun in the hot weather we get down here. For four or five months of the year you can wear a coat, windbreaker, vest , etc. After April, get a good belt, get a good holster, and dress around the gun.

Clint will also tell you that carrying a handgun isn't supposed to comfortable...it's supposed to comforting.

For those offended by the Kel-Tec comment......at least I didn't tell Jimmy how crummy the Fobus holsters are.:D
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I promised myself I would never dress the "Jimmy Buffet" look, but since I started CCing, that's pretty much my casual attire. Except, I refuse to wear the goofy looking hat.

Aw. Come on. Everyone needs a good Fins-Up shark hat.
I carry my Glock 27 IWB here in Florida under a dark tee shirt with either jeans or jean shorts no problem. I also carry a Kel Tec P32 in a pocket rig as a BUG. When in business attire G27 in ankle rig and Kel Tec P32 still in pocket. Oh yeah +1 on the slightly larger shirts that somebody else mentioned.
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