Dry tumbler media

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That's most what I use it for also

Jumping in here much later, trying to figure out what the big boys do. I've been using two batches of media per batch of brass, one batch to "clean" the brass, the next to polish it. Clean maybe 2 hrs in the tumbler, up to 4 hrs or more to polish. Been using Berry's polish. Do you guys just use one batch to clean / polish all at once? At my volumes that would make sense but somewhere I absorbed the idea I need to use two media batches.... I've used more corncob than lizard bedding so far. Thanks and keep that powder dry!
One batch, and 2 hours max. on the clock. It's about a very good cleaning and polishing in my world, not perfection. My choice of polish is Nu Finish, the once a year car polish in the bright orange, plastic bottle.
somewhere I absorbed the idea I need to use two media batches.... I've used more corncob than lizard bedding so far.
I started with walnut, but found it too abrasive. Switched tp corncob and found it took a lot longer to clean and polish (4hrs). So I mixed some walnut with my corn cob and added Nu-finish. It cut my time down some and put a “good enough” shine on the cases. If cases hadn’t been out in the elements, I could easily get way with just tumbling in corncob w/ Nu-finish. I also use the corn cob to clean lanolin lubed cases

I threw away the walnut/corncob mixture when it got clogged.
When I dry tumbled I used coarse harbor freight wallet hulls with different additives.
Simple green, mineral spirits, and a few other products.
Once I bought a FART wet tumbler my dry tumbler is out in the shed collecting dust.
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