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good question for the chief of police of your town.

i am just not sure cause the 1st is often nollied under court agreement-if you had a lawyer. probably, maybe.......
the second does what........i am thinking that the class of felony that it is will not go against you except at the interview.
please post how it goes for you
good luck
Don't know about the laws in your state, but speaking for myself....

while I respect a persons right to own and carry a gun, if you aren't smart enough to quit getting behind the wheel of a car drunk, your judgement is piss poor to say the least, enough so that I am asking should you really be carrying a gun around.

Just my $.02, and no, I have no tolerance, amusement, or understanding for someone with multiple DUI's. :mad:
Thank you for the quick reply it's actually not me thank God. I am doing a little research for my younger brother, he recently purchased a machete for protection while camping I suggested he get a ccw. Which now I am wondering if he can get. First was a .04 zero tolerance at 19 9 years later it was another. He's quit drinking entirely now because he realizes he's a numbnuts.
Machete for personal protection while camping??? Need a ccw?? It's a tool that can be used for camping, you know, for cutting wood for fires and such. Not to mention a machete is kind of difficult to conceal. I say take the machete camping out in the open and don't worry about it. Not calling BS yet, but I'm kind of wondering if you're serious about this.
Every state is different. Look up and read your local laws. Here in Oregon, one will be forgiven after four years for a concealed carry license. Two, and you are banned for life.
while I respect a persons right to own and carry a gun, if you aren't smart enough to quit getting behind the wheel of a car drunk, your judgement is piss poor to say the least, enough so that I am asking should you really be carrying a gun around.

Just my $.02, and no, I have no tolerance, amusement, or understanding for someone with multiple DUI's.


That said, I'm glad your brother got himself on the right track eventually.

If he cannot CCW, then perhaps some mace, a taser, or a good knife.
My understanding is that the predicate disqualification is for FELONIES not misdemeanors, with the exception of the domestic abuse statutes!
Thats for alcohol, drugs are another matter as they are listed as a predicate disqualifier, so often anyone stopped and charged with OWI, DWI, DUI, ect..is bound to experience some measure of delay while they sort out the issue.
Speaking for myself, I am adamantly opposed to the practice of permanently defrocking even most felons from their civil rights, as long as it wasn't a violent offence, and they've paid their debt, they should have all of their rights fully restored!
In my state 3 or more DUI's now equal a felony, as they should be, but a hell of a lot of people(including cops)are walking around with a pair of them, more then most of you would be willing to acknowlege....
Machete for personal protection while camping??? Need a ccw?? It's a tool that can be used for camping, you know, for cutting wood for fires and such. Not to mention a machete is kind of difficult to conceal. I say take the machete camping out in the open and don't worry about it. Not calling BS yet, but I'm kind of wondering if you're serious about this.
If he is in CT, he should not carry the machete while camping. It is illegal, unless he also happens to be hunting, fishing or trapping (with a license).
He should apply for the permit. He may or may not be denied. He does, however, need to be open, honest and straightforward about the convictions. It all depends on how his CLEO looks at the convictions.

If he is denied he can appeal it to the Board of Firearms Permit Examiners. He can represent himself or retain counsel. He can make his case and a lawyer/state trooper will aruge for why the denial was propper. They will want to hear about how the behavior was uncharicteristic and how he has changed in the interim. The more time that has elapsed since the last conviction, the better. Also, if he is actively involved with AA (or similar/ any other similar not-court-ordered program), he would definetely want to let them know about that as well- they tend to like appellants that try to build a solid support network to prevent reoccurrance.
Yeah I am afraid you will find little sympathy here when you use the words DUI and CCW in the same sentence sturcture...
As has been stated laws vary per state, and with other variables such as did you go before a judge, did you get smart and lawyer up, plea, how long ago, and weather your state allows such things to expire or are on a permanent record.
What you really need is to contact a grass roots group in your area and have them help you find a good pro 2A lawyer and ask him.
I'm not familiar with dui laws, so I'm not sure about this, but how long do they stay on your record? The first one was nine years ago. I guess you'd have to see how long your state keeps those things on record.

Glad to hear he's grew a brain and stopped the foolishness.
I'm not familiar with dui laws, so I'm not sure about this, but how long do they stay on your record? The first one was nine years ago. I guess you'd have to see how long your state keeps those things on record.

Glad to hear he's grew a brain and stopped the foolishness.
Forever, they never come off of the record, though in Wisconsin if you manage to get yourself tagged with one, it's not even a criminal matter if it's a first offense, if the violator complys with all the fines, punishment, and assessments, it's a simple traffic violation, but one that is always there waiting to be enhanced in the event that you earn yourself a 2nd, or 3rd and so on...
I think you're the one to guide this in the right direction. If you're fully convinced that he does not have a drinking problem, tell him to go ahead and apply for a carry permit. All they can say is no. I've tried to find something in the CT statutes on this and could not. That doesn't mean there isn't a pertinent law, just that it's buried somewhere.
If he was 19 on the first charge it may be on his record as a minor and may not count or may be gone. Was it charged as a minor in possesion or DUI? very different charges. Like a few posters on this site I believe someone who does their punishment and shows a period of good citizenship should have all rights restored. There are so many more ways to loose your rights now than in the 1700's.
I think you're the one to guide this in the right direction. If you're fully convinced that he does not have a drinking problem, tell him to go ahead and apply for a carry permit. All they can say is no. I've tried to find something in the CT statutes on this and could not. That doesn't mean there isn't a pertinent law, just that it's buried somewhere.
There are thousands & thousands of LEO at the local, state, & federal level that are ACTIVE problem drinkers, maybe tens of thousands!
They carry firearms, don't they? The issue is deciding to drive afterwards!
We had a St Paul vice cop get himself shot to death 4-years ago while on stakeout at some sleaze bar, he was involved in some kind of prostitution sting operation at the time.
He got into an altercation with two thugs over God knows what, and it escalated into a gunfight in the parking lot of the tavern and he was shot and killed, in the line of duty we are told.
It's a big deal when a cop is shot, bigger when he's killed in the process. He was remembered as of course an outstanding officer, always got great performance reviews ect...
He was heading to his car to drive back to the police station when all of this unfolded, his BAC was 0.2! He was on duty, carrying at least one firearm, preparing to operate a motor vehicle, taking it back to the station house, and he's BAC was 0.2!
Everybody makes mistakes, I'm willing to allow for a pair of DUI's as long as the person has modified the behavior and demonstrated personal growth...
I'm not familiar with dui laws, so I'm not sure about this, but how long do they stay on your record? The first one was nine years ago. I guess you'd have to see how long your state keeps those things on record.

I've tried to find something in the CT statutes on this and could not.
Misdomeanor DUI convictions are not a per-se disqualifier here, They can, however, be interpreted by the issuing authority to exemplify behavior that indicates that an individual will "pose a threat to public safety if allowed to carry a pistol or revolver outside of his home or place of business." This is a question of suitability which is subjective. This does not need a conviction or even an arrest. It needs a history of conduct.
Yes you can get a Conn. CCW after two DUI's, I know because I have. Years ago I had a drinking problem and after my second DUI I took a hard look at my life and decided it needed to change. This was the event that turned my life around completley and after my decision to change have had no desire to go back to my former life. I had my last drink in March 1993 so it was over 10 years before I applied for the CCW.
Being an Illinois resident this is a non-resident permit, one of six I hold and none help in my home state. I believe the majic number is ten years for all the states I have dealt with. Jim.
Thank you for all your help. I wasn't aware of the Machette being illegal in CT, he does have a bow hunting license.

As far as the first DUI, CT has a zero tolerance so I believe it may be off his record now because it was an AR? I don't know, terms he has used.

Not looking for any sympathy because I surely didn't give him any when I tore him appart for his 2nd conviction, which was 1.5 years ago. (Just got his license back in September). He has since stopped hanging out with the rest of the degenerates and is going back to school.
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