Duracoat Question

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I just completed a melt job on my PF-9 just last week.

Most of the grinding was done with a diamond grinding bit, then sanding drums and wet sanded to final finish. I lightly sandblasted the slide for a slight texture and then shot with Sniper green duracoat:


Close up of the melt job:

I also polished the barrel, lightly sandblasted and then reblued with Super Blue from Birchwood/Casey.

I'm very happy with the outcome as the PF-9 has some pretty hard lines. Also the factory bluing is rather thin.

Duracoat is great stuff. I also painted another carbine project of mine. It is very simple to apply. Allow adequate time for it to cure before using. It is not impervious to all scratches but is a very durable coating.
Pumpgunner870: I know this is an old thread but I was doing a search and saw your pictures. You did an incredible job on the pf9. Awesome color combo and the melt job was awesome too. Just wanted to give you props.

I've been toying with the idea of "melting" my PF9 also. Mine has a blued slide and an OD green grip.
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