EAA Witness .45 Slide stop walking out

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Aug 17, 2010
I recently bought an EAA witness in .45 ACP
I went to the range and fired a few magazines. However, what I noticed was that the slide stop would walk its way out of the frame about 1/8". This wouldn't regularly interfere with slide lockup or firearm operation, and it did lock after the last round was fired. However, if I push the pin back into place, the slide would slam shut. What is wrong with my gun and how do I fix it!?!?
I have no warranty so I cannot send it to EAA without spending lots of money.

P.S. The witness was my first handgun that I bought after turning 21, and its been only nightmares with worrying about the slide cracking, replacing recoil springs, and this...
Helpful comments only please, I've learned my lesson about buying firearms
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The EAA Witness uses a formed spring to retain the slide stop.
If the spring is bent, defective, or missing, or the notch in the slide stop isn't deep enough the stop can move out.

Here's an exploded view of a CZ-75 pistol, of which the Witness is a copy:
The slide stop retaining spring is part number 40.
It's held in by the spring retainer part number 41
These fit in the right wall of the frame.


If the spring is present and not bent, damaged, or impacted with gunk, use a triangular file or the edge of a stone to slightly deepen the notch in the end of the slide stop.
Don't over do it. Too deep and the slide stop will be too hard to get out.
It's about right when you need to use the butt of a screwdriver to give the end of the stop a slight bump to remove it.
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