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Economist Magazine on NRA vs UN

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1) "Leave No Child Behind" was a Bush Administration proposal from day one. Not Ted Kennedy. It's specifically designed to penalize Title I schools, i.e. public schools that are poor enough to receive that sort of Federal funding. Starving public schools and funnelling money to religious ones (which they are also doing through the *retch* Office of Faith Based Initiatives) is pure right wing dogma.

Woh. Please explain how the money for the government schools ends up at religious schools. And where do you get the idea that the right wants religious schools (as opposed to other private schools) to recieve government funding? Many on the religious right are firmly opposed to any government funding for religious institutions, as they fear more government control.

2) The prescription drug benefit is not designed to help seniors with medical expenses. It is a handout to Big Business pure and simple.
Modern American conservativism is opposed to such handouts.

3) Immigration? Pure and simple Bush and his masters want cheap labor which doesn't have the rights of citizens.
Actually, it has been argued by many that the Senate bill gives immigrants more labor rights than citizens have. In any case, if this is such a right-wing thing to do, why does the right so vehemently oppose it?

4) Homosexuals? The Right has always had a nicely closeted Queer streak from Roy Cohen and Gay Edgar Hoover to George Lincoln Rockwell, Billy Sol Hargis (so it is rumored) and the Cult of Masculinity in 1930s Germany and Italy. The only difference is the hypocrisy.
Laughable. If you are comparing Bush to "1930s Germany and Italy" then you are obviously not talking about the same right wing that I am.

5) Tax cuts and tax rebates? It's Right Wing either way you look at it.

Oh, so that one's right wing? I agree, it is. This nonsense about taxing the poor to give it to the rich, though, is just that.

So yes, these are right-wing policies. So is the theocracy, the attempt to enshrine religious doctrine into law, the war against contraception and the rest.
Theocracy? Do you even understand that term? Where is this theocracy? Do you not understand that American conservatives are far too libertarian to stand for that sort of thing? Are you saying that religious docrtines should never become law? You would legalize murder, robbery, and fraud? War against contraception? You'll have to explain that one, because I live in the real world, where there is no such thing, at least not from the government.
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