Eddie Eagle works....

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Mar 12, 2003
western Washington
from a local ABC affiliate:


Lesson On Gun Safety Pays Off In Spades

September 13, 2005

By April Zepeda

Video : KOMO 4 NEWS
Two young boys found a loaded handgun on a school playground with over 100 kids playing, but they did the absolute right thing.

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MACHIAS - A crowded playground and a loaded gun -- it could have been a deadly recipe.

There were 127 kids out on the playground, when 9-year-old Khoa Nguyen and 8-year-old Grayson Pope noticed a gun sitting in the wood chips by the swing set.

Suddenly, all those important lessons about guns we hope our kids pay attention to, paid off.

"Not to touch them and when you see one, go tell an adult and don't pick it up," recited Grayson.

What the two students from Machias Elementary didn't know yet -- they had found a 9mm handgun, loaded and missing the safety mechanism.

"It was actually pretty frightening. I told the teachers because I was afraid that if I didn't - the other class of second and third graders would come out and play with it," said Khoa.

One boy stood guard, the other ran and got a teacher who called 911.

"To see a real metal gun out there...the playground was jammed with kids," said teacher Terese Evans. "And then to see the kindergarteners coming right out for recess, I was thinking, 'Oh my goodness... what if those boys hadn't reported it?' Who knows what could have happened?"

The school called the boys' parents to let them how the children turned a dangerous situation into a positive ending.

"It was just overwhelming when the principal called," said Grayson's mother Alison. "She said, 'We had an event at school, no one is hurt, but your son found a gun.' I had to sit down."

Police will try and track down how the gun got on the playground, but more importantly, they credit and Khoa and Grayson for making sure it got off the playground.


if you subtract the ignorant reporting, and the moronic statements from the teacher, its a good story. no mention of Eddie Eagle by name but i suspect that is what the kids are quoting.

What moronic statements from the teacher? :confused:

You mean, the part where she was frightened by the thought of what could have happened if the kids hadn't done the right thing?? I'd have been sick to my stomach at that thought, especially if I were partly responsible for the kids' safety. Wouldn't you?

Or do you mean the part where she talked about a "real metal" gun -- as opposed to, of course, a "toy plastic" gun one might have expected to find on a schoolyard? I dunno that I'd call that moronic, though maybe her phrasing was a bit strange. Perhaps the adrenalin dump had something to do with it.

Good for the kids, and good for their parents. All concerned did the right thing.

It's not very far from DTRT (do the right thing) to DRT (dead right there)... glad these kids did the right thing.

Police will try and track down how the gun got on the playground
Obviously just some flotsam from the "streets flooded with assault weapons" we were warned about. :rolleyes:

But good job by the students -- posting a guard and sending a messenger. I think my 8 year old daughter would have done the same.
Wow. I wonder what would happen in my super-liberal area where parents probably try to avoid even letting their children know what a gun is (sort of along the lines of 'if we don't teach sex education, they'll never have sex' line of thinking I believe).

These kids did better than many adults in stories I've seen...I recall the babysitter who killed her charge while trying to determine if the shotgun she found was loaded...by pulling the trigger.
I've watched several repeats of this story on the local ABC outlet. The kids did the right thing, but the report never mentions the Eddie Eagle program or any training the kids might have had.
'Course they wouldn't. Eddie Eagle's one of the NRA's many faces, and the NRA is Evil!

Credit it to the Bradys.

:banghead: :banghead: :rolleyes: :barf: :banghead: :banghead:
The one standing guard as the other went for a teacher was rather smart.
I agree, although it does violate Eddie Eagle's "Leave the area..."

Eddie's rules work fine for most situations, especially if another one of the kids refuses to follow the "Don't touch" step.

It showed some critical thinking skills not to leave it unguarded. I'm going to review this incident with my daughter this evening as a teaching lesson.

they had found a 9mm handgun, loaded and missing the safety mechanism.
I wonder if it was a Glock or a modified gun or one with a manual safety that simply was disengaged. I'd like to get the whole (real) story on this. The police may have said that "The safety was off." My experience with Seattle TV news is that they extrapolate facts to fit their life view. I guess that's a nice way of saying that when they don't know, they will make up facts and "feel" justified in doing so because of their bias.
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