Electronic ear muffs

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Dec 7, 2010
Delaware, USA
I am thinking about getting a pair of electronic ear muffs. Are they a reliable form of ear protection? What should I look for and what should I avoid?
Yes, they work as advertised. I use them when I go hunting so I can hear the sounds of nature and still protect my ears if I shoot. I went with Peltor's becuase it's a name brand and likely to be good quality. Of couse, you pay a premium but IMO my hearing is worth it.
I also use the Howard Leight sport muffs when I go hunting with the kids. They're great since we can whisper more quietly than we could without them and we don't have to worry about hearing damage when it comes time to take a shot. They also pack up very compactly so they're easy to carry in a backpack.

When I go to matches or to the range with my wife, we use Pro-Ears muffs that also work great and have a higher dB rating. (She's much more sensitive to the noise and shoots better with a higher-rated muff.)

Once you get some electronic muffs, you'll never want to go back.
Are they a reliable form of ear protection? What should I look for and what should I avoid?

Yes, but should be used with plugs.

The simplest thing to do is stick with electronic muffs made by large industrial hearing protection companies. Good QA, tech development, resources to make a quality product.
My only experience is with my Peltor 6 S headphones,but they do a great job (providing I remembered to turn them off last time...I carry a supply of batteries now). And I ALWAYS use earplugs with them and can still hear range instructions easily. Even in a 10 yard indoor range shooting full 357 magnum loads I experience no loss of ear comfort,but they will not take away the "gravel being thrown in your face" feel one gets in such a small room.
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