Email from Obama | They are making a stand for universal background checks

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The OP's chart caused me to directly send an email to the President, about the tactics and propaganda being used in the gun-ban agenda. After spending nearly 2 hours constructing a letter than was neither insulting nor inflammatory, I sent it, and then it hit me.

This administration DOES NOT CARE about truth, justice, and the American way. They will not let untruths, lies, or propaganda stand in their way to accomplish their goals. THEY DO NOT CARE!

I felt my time had been wasted, or worse, branded a dissident within the present party, because I would not drink the party Kool-Aid, for the betterment (the great lie) of society under their rule.

Then, I thought, if not for millions of us, expressing our views and disgust and disappointment at what our leaders have become, then what is our system of government for? Collectively, millions of our voices have already been heard, and we have probably been labeled dissidents for exercising our First Amendment right to pen and speak our thoughts, no matter it displeases the powers that be. But, so what?

I still came away from writing my letter, that the present administration doesn't care about our concerns; it contradicts their ill-induced agenda of eventual total disarmament, and the global new world order that is being forged behind our backs, behind closed doors, with the financial heads of the entire world, mouths salivating at the ripe pickings that may come their way.

If enough people dissent (peacefully), we may have a shot at slowing-down the gun-grabbers agenda. I'd hate to think what a disarmed world would be like. I'm guessing new world order dictatorial rule and oppression would soon follow.

Forgive my momentary dive into apathy. I feel better now, renewed actually to keep-up the campaign of writing to our representatives who would actually make a difference, and who are supportive of our cause.

I just had to let the Commander-in-Chief know how I felt, if ever the feedback makes it further than some aid's shredder.
Our current system can be used to determine who purchased a specific gun; but is too manpower intensive to be used for confiscation. See:

As for opening up NICS, NICS was specifically forbidden to everyone on a bipartisan basis due to privacy concerns. If anyone can check at will whether you are a prohibited person or not, lots of people will want to satisfy their curiousity.

Your own state has ALREADY used registration to confiscate registered firearms on several occasions and you think that is a stretch?

Your reply to Cal-gun Fan is right on the money as evidenced by this thread I started on this very subject;

It wont be too long before they restrict people from owning firearms for traffic violations.

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