Errrr, Merry Christmas?

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Sep 8, 2008
My brother calls me the other day and says, "I bought you a Christmas present, but some things came up and now I can't afford it."

Me, "Return it."

Him, "I can't. I can sell it to somebody or you can buy it."

Me, "You want me to buy my Christmas present?"

Him, "Dude, this wasn't an easy phone call to make, don't rub it in."

Me, "What is it?"

Him, "Stripped AR lower - RRA."

Me, "Would you take silver for trade."

Him, "No, I need cash."

Me, "I'm going to have to talk to my wife."

Wife, "Are you serious?! :banghead: Spend your own money."

(I have about half of the money in "my own money")

Me to brother, "I'll take it."

Merry Christmas
merry christmas i got a shirt from my sister and a card from my parents saying you owe us $257,000 for raising you, but well forgive it and just call ti a christmas present....

bah humbug
Alright, let's begin:

1) Sounds like he (I) have a good heart.

2) Sounds like finance's are harder then his (MY) first estimate. :(

Merry Christmas brother! See you in a couple of day's.

Who knows, maybe because you helped your brother out, next year if his finances are in check, he will get you an even better present.
Merry christmas, wish I got an ar lower.
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