Ever compare your targets to others at the range?

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I always look. There are a lot of cool handguns at the range. You can usually tell who the gun enthusiasts are, they usually like to chat about their guns. My target groups are usually better than the others, but I have shot with a couple guys that made me realize my limitations. I will always help someone who asks, never offer. I also want to see their gun handling, whether it's safe. At the outdoor range I always bring extra foam earplugs for the inevitable person without. Their groups are usually poor, too.
Funny you should ask.

I'm a certified noob. On my first gun, only 300 rounds through it, just learning how to aim and shoot. Anyway, I'm spraying bullets all over, covering an area about 24" by 18", starting below the '10' but centered left-to-right. While reloading, I notice the fellow next to me has the same gun as me. I embarrassedly glance down at at his target, only to see that he is, in fact, having trouble hitting the paper. Only about half the holes go through the silhouette, let alone any kind of grouping.

I know I suck as shooting. But it kinda made me feel good to know there's someone worse. ;)
I always keep an eye on other people's targets out of pure curiosity.

I get a lot of interest in my targets - I guess people around here aren't used to seeing somebody with a pistol at the 50 or 100 yard range.
I casually look because 1) like the color of the car you just passed, you just simply see it and become aware of it, 2) I tend practice the fundamentals a lot when I myself shoot, and 3) the guy or gal might just be a terrific shot, so I might learn something.

Everyone shoots for their own reason, though, so I don't spend much time interpreting anyone else's shooting. Besides, there are plenty of shooters who'd think I suck.

I have a pretty competitive mindset and I shoot in precision competitions...

Excellent! [shameless plug]then you wouldn't mind taking part in my Fun Shoot, eh? It was designed for revolver shooters, but heck, anyone can shoot it, and it is just a simple little ol' fun shoot! [/shameless plug]

Yes, it's a habit I started in the gym showers back in junior high.

You are sick, you know that, right? :D

MrBorland: Glad you posted that shoot, it sounds like fun. I'll have to borrow a revolver and wait for a day that isn't butt cold (I'm a cold-weather wuss). I'll make a offer to my dealer (sounds funny saying that) that if he lets me borrow a gun, I'll post his target for him.
I don't have any wheel guns but if it's cool to use auto loaders it sounds like fun.
yeah, I always look. Espescially when I have down time, like when im reloading my mags. I always seem to do better than everyone else, but it doesnt seem to be a competition though. Yesterday for example, I walked up to the range to find an idiot wigger guy and his whiskey tango girlfriend just lighting up the range with an AK pulling the trigger fast as he could and hitting the target that was 10 yards in front of him every 1 out of ten rounds.
I am one of those guys that is not "printing" touching groups when I shoot, I am decent with a rifle, but with a hand gun, well a CD sounds pretty good. I am an older guy so minute of record album at 10 yards would more accurately describe my pistol shooting.

I grew up with a rifle and am comfortable with them, but I only recently got into handguns after deciding it was time to start carrying a pistol for defensive purposes.

Before I even bought a handgun, I researched which ones would suit me, including much reading here on THR. I read about the many great shooters on here who can hit golf balls with a pistol at 25 yards, and then when i started, my groups (and I use that term very loosely) at 7 or 10 Feet were all over the place and I would rush to pull down my targets in fear that a "real shooter" would see my pitiful efforts.

As time passed and I realized I would never, ever match the type of shooting I read about on THR, I relaxed and now no longer give a poop what anyone thinks, what they see and I don't pay attention to their targets either.

I do check out the guns I see at the range, have been fortunate to have shot a few, and have let a young couple who was trying to figure out what handgun to purchase shoot my 45.
it's like bowling and golf practice. If you feel competitive, you always look in the next lane
When I first started looking into guns heavily, I looked at peoples guns and most of all their stance. I would look to see who was shooting the best groups (discretely of course) and then see how they were shooting, how they were holding the gun, how they were standing. That combined with looking that sort of thing up on the internet and here, helped quite a bit.

I usually don't worry about who is around me. I try to stay focused on my target. However, If a friend came with me, I will pay attention to how they are doing and try to outdo them.

The competition just can't be kept in!

It's a man thing!:cool:
MrBorland: Glad you posted that shoot, it sounds like fun.

I don't have any wheel guns but if it's cool to use auto loaders it sounds like fun.

I always seem to do better than everyone else, but it doesnt seem to be a competition though.

The competition just can't be kept in!

To all who may be interested in a little friendly competition and a little honest self-assessment, I just tweaked the Revolver Fun Shoot and posted a Semi-Auto version on the Semi-Auto thread. Check it out! Good luck!

Semi-Auto Fun Shoot:
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