Ever meet anyone that took SD a little too far?

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Jan 8, 2006
North Carolina
I know some might even consider an extra mag as excessive. I'm talking more about people that can be considered inside the tinfoil hat group. Ten backup firearms on the person, five hidden guns in each room of their upscale neighborhood house, gives the cautious sometimes hostile looking stinkeye to anyone that steps within ten feet of them, etc...

You know, the kind of people that let that stuff run their entire lives, sometimes maybe even hoping for something to happen since they encumber themselves with so much hidden mall ninja gear and want some kind of payoff for having to deal with all the gear even though the majority of people don't carry so much.
A large percentage of the members here.

When people started vigorously defending taking sidearms in the shower, wearing guns while sleeping, and packing 24/7 including while at a baby shower or child's birthday party, I knew they were out there.

Of course, that's just my opinion. You will now have a slew of responses declaring the need for personal armament worn on the body during every second.

I recall Mas Ayoob on some TV show stating that before parking his car at a business he circles the building twice looking for suspicious activity and when he does enter he "sweeps" the entire store as a recon tactic before shopping. Who does this?
I recall Mas Ayoob on some TV show stating that before parking his car at a business he circles the building twice looking for suspicious activity and when he does enter he "sweeps" the entire store as a recon tactic before shopping. Who does this?

dont you dare talk about the holy massad like that!!:)

to refer to the OP, im one of those people, but i dont have much of a life so... yeah i hide guns everywhere, theres one in my truck and such and such
If I felt the need to circle a parking lot twice before parking I'd stay away from that parking lot. All that would do is draw attention to me and I'm not trying to look "tactical". However I see no problem with wanting to carry 24/7 Especialy with pocket carry its so easy to do theres no reason to leave it behind. Granted id rather have my glock on the hip I still keep a j frame in my pocket all day long. It used to bge anytime I'm wearing jeans I was carrying a gun although not the case anymore since i went back to college and im under the safety of a "gun free" zone

do you mean him??"

Let's see that kid try and walk around with all of those in his pants.
Yeah, I'd like to see him try walking with that shotgun down his pants lol. That video was hilarious.
SaxonPig said:
I recall Mas Ayoob on some TV show stating that before parking his car at a business he circles the building twice looking for suspicious activity and when he does enter he "sweeps" the entire store as a recon tactic before shopping. Who does this?
Well, not me, but he is a cop, and isn't this really just being in Condition Yellow?
When people started vigorously defending taking sidearms in the shower, wearing guns while sleeping, and packing 24/7 including while at a baby shower or child's birthday party, I knew they were out there.

I don't carry in the bathroom (too much humidity is hell on guns), but there is one just feet away in the bedroom. Nor do I have one on me while sleeping, but I have a gun in a small quick access safe on the night stand, and an AR in a wall mount locking collar. Both guns get put away in the more secure safe when I leave the house.

But birthday parties and such, crime happens EVERYWHERE, you can't separate you life into safe, and unsafe segments. You are either prepared, or unprepared, there is no middle area.
But birthday parties and such, crime happens EVERYWHERE, you can't separate you life into safe, and unsafe segments. You are either prepared, or unprepared, there is no middle area.

This is why I'll tend to bend the rules/laws about carrying in forbidden areas, except in places with guards and metal detectors. If it's concealed well, it's concealed, and I'm still protected/prepared.

In a forbidden zone like a school or post office, I'd be very hesitant to use my gun, only as an extreme last resort to save innocent lives, but at least I'd be prepared....legally or not.

Hopefully myself and others would still be alive in the end to argue about it afterwards, and the BG would not. As they say about being judged by 12, rather than carried by 6.....
When people started vigorously defending taking sidearms in the shower, wearing guns while sleeping, and packing 24/7 including while at a baby shower or child's birthday party, I knew they were out there.
Yes, because we all know nothing bad EVER happens at children's birthday parties (or at baby showers). Those 24/7 carrying folk are just paranoid psychos.

I don't carry "in" the shower, but my pants (with my gun in them) are usually on the floor of the bathroom, I don't wear the gun while sleeping, but it is by the bed (again on the floor in my pants), and carrying 24/7 means on the off chance I'll EVER need a gun I'll have one.

Of course I also cross the line by carrying a spare mag ... 'cause we know semi autos never fail and people that do tap-rack-bang drills are also paranoid psychos.
Well...the stuff hat I USUALLY Have on me anywhere there are no regs/metal detectors etc. usually includes a cell phone,a flashlight ( that does doubl eduty as a fist load) and a usefully sized and shaped fixed blade..
I dunno...is that taking it too far??
concealed carry

If you are out there, when is the SHTF going to happen? Not at a gun range , probably. I carry to family events, church and generally anywhere out of the house. I do remove weaons when going into gun free zones, but if I saw something that made me feel unsafe I would leave and get the H*** out of there and come back later if necessary. I don't want a shoot out cause you can't predict the outcome. I don't step in front of trains either.
I understand your thinking and sometimes I think it is strange my self. I have good friend who is a retired cop out of Miami-Dade County Florida who through years of service and in being in some bad situations is what I call overly prepared for most occasions but is he. I honestly would rather be overly prepared and look foolish than totally under prepared and who knows what.

I live in a Snow Belt in North Idaho I have 6 months of food and wood for the fireplace. I like to be some what prepared because every 5 years or so I wake up to 40 plus inches of snow, no power and it may take a week to get out of my place. Well say I only stockpile a week’s worth of food and we have a real bad winter and I am stuck back in my place for a month or 2. Do I look more foolish stock piling the food or starving to death?
A lot of folks think I take it a little too far. I carried at my daughter's birthday parties, and the baby shower before she was born. I'll carry at my sister in laws wedding. A buddy's daughter has a birthday party today, and I'll be carrying there.

Fact is, you never know when you'll need it. So far, thankfully, I haven't had to use any of them for anything other than pest control.

I always carry a spare tire for the same reason. If the car comes with a space saver, I pay a junkyard ten to thirty bucks for a steel rim and get a decent tire to put on it.

In over ten years of driving, I've never needed one. Until last night.

Call me paranoid if you want, but I do keep fire extinguishers, spare tires, and carry a gun everywhere I legally can.
We have moved beyond weapons and are moving into Trauma blowout kits, grab bag improvements and laying in various planning in case of problems.

You might as well go ahead and start pouring the panic room right this way in the room while we're at it.
I'm not talking about carrying 24/7, because I agree that things can go sour anywhere pretty quick. I was mostly talking about quantity of SD related items that clutter your belt and if some ordinary people wear bullet resistent vests or if you have 5 backup pistols excluding your primary. The circling of the building was a good example of what I meant.

People generally that act as if they're at war, where they have a midst of battlefield mindset for the entire day. Like, Will Smith's character in I am Legend...except where there are no zombies.
We have moved beyond weapons and are moving into Trauma blowout kits, grab bag improvements and laying in various planning in case of problems.

Trauma kits (and the training to use them) are very useful because you are much more likely to save a life then you are to take a life. IMO you should have one in your range bag, in your car, in your house, and one to travel with you (like on a camping trip).

Grab bags can be appropriate, I live in a hurricane zone, I may not always have the time to back the needed items for an evacuation (I travel a lot so I might arrive on the eve of the storm, I have to prepare my house for the storm, and then evac as needed), so it is nice to have a bag that has almost everything I need, to grab and go.

Anyways your needed items, and plans will vary based on where you live.
I've met my fair share of sheepdogs, but that isn't exactly what the OP is about. I have not met anyone who takes SD too far, but 99.99% of the people I've ever been involved with, met, known, etc. in my life didn't give SD any practical level of importance.

Most all people live in condition level white and never think they could possibly ever have a need to defend themselves. That is why a lot of us will refer to them by the pejorative "sheeple".
IMO, more people don't take it far enough as opposed as too far. Having a rusty Roscoe sitting on a closet shelf is not being prepared.

Too many people seem to view a gun as a magic talisman. "I have a gun, nothing can happen to me." People who carry a gun and walk around with their head in the clouds, not noticing a thing going on around them. People who never practice. People who never clean or maintain their carry gun. The list goes on. Too many people buy a gun and the cheapest ammo they can find and call themselves prepared. They aren't.
I reckon the closest I've ever seen to a "SD nut" was this old coot I ran into at WalMart a few weeks ago. He was telling me about how Harbor Freight had ceramic kitchen knives on sale, and he was gonna go buy some because they don't have a steel tang, and that way he could have a blade to carry with him on airlines! I got away from him as discretely as I could.
Carl, you are probably talking about people like me. That's okay. We like having this stuff run our lives. We enjoy guns, we like to feel like we are in charge of our own protection, and some of us won't mind if we actually have to use the stuff we carry. We enjoy practicing. (We are in the middle of a pretty good blizzard this weekend. It's so ugly that I wore goggles to walk the dog. But I stepped outside the house and shot the desert eagle just to have a little enjoyment and wake up the neighbors.)

But birthday parties and such, crime happens EVERYWHERE, you can't separate you life into safe, and unsafe segments. You are either prepared, or unprepared, there is no middle area.

I remember people giving the mom a hard time because she was carrying a weapon at a soccer game. But it isn't uncommon for things to get out of control at games. We had a strong police showing at numerous hockey games this past year because people were afraid of what could happen.

Just think about all the places where we have had mass shootings lately. Most would have said you didn't need to carry to a nursing home before a month ago, or a church until recently, or to a school until recent history.
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We had one at a place where I used to work; one of the delivery drivers. I came in early one day -- quite a bit early -- found the front door locked, and tried the shop door; it was open, so I went in. This guy came around the corner with his hand behind him, saw me, and said, "Oh, it's you. I thought I'd locked the door, I was afraid it was somebody trying to rob the place." Brought his hand out, with a .38 in it, put it away, and then showed me his two other guns, one in an ankle holster. Then he took me out back and showed me a couple more guns he had in his truck.
Actually, I can't blame the guy; our store was located pretty much in a ghetto, and the drivers had to go through and into some rough neighborhoods.
Most of the other store employees thought he was a little nuts, but I didn't, and other than all the armament (which he never displayed or talked about much), he was a solid worker and easy to get along with.
Another thing that annoys me about the "you don't need a gun at X location" statements made by some folk is that unless y'all have developed teleportation technology when I wasn't looking you still have to travel between home and X location.

So maybe I'll never need a gun at a child's birthday party, church or whatever place y'all think a gun is unnecessary, but what about stopped at a light on the way there or back? What about if I stop and get gas? What if I decide to swing by Walmart for some jerky?
If you knew you would need a gun you could just not go there (avoid situation) in the first place.
Think of the seat belt in your vehicle, do you put it on driving in places where an accident is not likely to happen?
Have a fire extinguisher, but really don't expect a fire?

:D I put on my seatblet (it's the law) driving through the quiet neighborhood where wrecks never happen and carry at the party in the neighborhood where things never happen and then go back to my house that hasn't ever caught on fire (thank goodness) and turn off the alarm system that I've never needed (thank goodness)... yea, I'm paranoid :rolleyes:.
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