Ever see an online auction posting that made your skin crawl?

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Sep 17, 2006
East Texas
I was browsing Gunbroker.com today (which I love) and came across this listing.


Now, don't misunderstand - I think a Tec-9 would be a fun plinking gun and I have no problem with anyone selling them. However, "lead sprayer"? Who is this guy trying to appeal to? It wouldn't surprise me to see Diane Feinstein waving a printout of this listing in front of reporters as an example of why we need gun control. In my opinion, marketing geared towards gang-bangers is a problem for us all.

Love the muzzle pointed at the camera photo.
Send him your feedback then. Personally, I think it is awesome, absolutely awesome. It immediately lets me know that I don't want to do business with him. Of course, it could be an ATF sting trying to entice gang bangers.
The only thing he could've done worse is mention Columbine in some sort and use that as a selling point. :cuss: I would never buy from this guy. People like him are what give us a bad name. :banghead:
I think it is humorous. A tec 9 that can spray bullets? Ever try to get one to shoot a full magazine? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!:what:
Just seeing your thread title I knew which ad you meant. That asinine "lead sprayer" has been on there for months.
My Mossberg 702 sprays more lead than a Tec-9, literally: 11 rounds .22LR @ 36 grains each = 396 grains in under 3 seconds. If a Tec-9 can manage to fire 3 rounds of 9MM @ 115 grains each without jamming it's still only up to 345 grains. I would trust my Mossberg over one of those pieces of junk if my life depended on it.

People will say anything to make a buck, perhaps the seller is marketing to the kind of people who actually believe such garbage.
Just selling to the desired audience. It reminds me of the wonderful porn emails that get through once in awhile, "Super, slimey, sluts, sucking sewage through straws". Somewhere, out there, someone gets turned on by that crap. Sheeeesh! What a world we live in.

Fortunately, most criminals can't afford one of those nor want one. It's the same with assault rifles (real or imagined). They are to big and cumbersome for the most part. Pistols are easier to hide and cheaper.

The ad is in poor taste, but maybe it's just that the seller is a real dufus? I really doubt he's trying to appeal to the banger crowd. I'm not too sure the average gang-banger would be trying to buy this or a 'fo-tay', or whatever, on the internet. Sellers have to ship to FFL after all.
A year or so ago a revolver that had been used by Richard 'The Night Stalker' Ramirez was listed on Gunbroker. That made my skin crawl.
LOL!!! Everyone is so obessesed with 'gang-bangers'. Quite funny. Trust, there will be enough surburban kids who will see that, see 'lead sprayer', and go take the money out of their parents purse/wallet to get it.

Gangbangers...too funny!
RE: Pointing weapon at camera

Not to be a kill-joy but I think we're making way to many assumptions as to this persons intent and how he went about this ad. Granted, I think it's cheesy also, but let's keep things in perspective...


This is a picture I took about a month or two ago of my Kimber. Now, on the face of it, you'd say "Smooth move, loaded chamber looking you in the face of the camera". Ahhhh, but here's what you don't know...

This pic was taken using a digital camera. The Kimber is actually sitting in a wooden block, in a drawer, with only the barrel exposed. The hammer was not down and prior to setting up my equipment, I did a series of 'jiggle tests' (with gun unloaded) to ensure stablitiy. Additionally, my camera was hooked to the LCD port on my laptop. I did not look through the camera to get the angle. While standing to the side, I adjusted my tripod in order to get the angle I wanted as I watched a live view on my laptop. When the picture was finally taken, I was not standing behind the camera hitting the shutter button. Using a remote control, I was able to take multiple pictures from outside the room where everything was staged.

Things aren't always what they appear to be...
Not to be a kill-joy but I think we're making way to many assumptions as to this persons intent and how he went about this ad. Granted, I think it's cheesy also, but let's keep things in perspective...
Things aren't always what they appear to be...

While you make a fine defense of other possibilities for this ad, the difference is we can see his hand in the last picture. So at the very least we know he's holding the gun, in his hand, with his thumb on the trigger. Given the angle of his arm we know the gun is pointed in the general direction of his body at the very least, and possibly directly at himself.
While you make a fine defense of other possibilities for this ad, the difference is we can see his hand in the last picture. So at the very least we know he's holding the gun, in his hand, with his thumb on the trigger. Given the angle of his arm we know the gun is pointed in the general direction of his body at the very least, and possibly directly at himself.

I completely agree with you. That picture doesn't lie. The only point I was trying to bring up is that we don't know all the circumstances surronding it. Whose to say that he did or didn't verify that there wasn't a round in the chamber? Whose to say that he did or didn't verify the firearm was in a safe condition? Unless any of us knows the originator, only he can say for sure what were the conditions under which the photos were taken.

But like I said, I do not dispute it is a cheesy ad with a cheesy set of photos. Personally, I would not feel comfortable buying from that person as I don't get any sense of profesionalism. But at the same time, I don't think his character should be called into question based on presumptions.

I went through a ribbing when I took that photo I used as an example above and only until people understood how it was taken did the incoming flak stop. Geez...now I automatically add disclaimers for photos like that. :p
I think "spray" might be the correct term to use.

Having shot one and seeing the problems it had staying on paper.
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