Everyone Picky with Brass?

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Mar 29, 2007
I know 45 is forgiving, but I seem to be pretty picky when sorting my brass. Small dents, etc. pass muster, but if I see even a small gouge or scratch it gets thrown in the scrap bin. Some of these are very small, visible but barely able to feel them with a fingernail. Prudent or overly cautious?
If it fits in the shell holder and I can't see any splits I reload it. But I don't push max loads either.

For max loads, virgin or verified once-fired, for knocking over steel plates with modest loads, I'll even shoot the rounds who's necks split on seating.

It has to be pretty bad before I toss it to the scrap bucket. I will sometimes tumble the scratched brass longer than the other just to kind of buff it out:eek:. Whether that works or not I don't know but it makes me feel good.
Pretty much like Wally...
For plinking, in .45ACP, if it resizes and is not split it's good to go.
For hot loads, once fired, hand picked brass only.
Same for low pressure .38pls. I get a lot pickier with .357 though.
Ditto Wally.

I run a medium load so if it runs through the press then it gets loaded. For max loads I have some new Starline or nickel Federal cases.
in .40 I only use win brass, and If its range pickup I make sure its not been glocked, most of what I use is from the win white box I bought from walmart, but a friend lets me have all the .40 wwb he shoots(he does not reload). I traded some 6.5x55 swede brass to a friend, but 2 thirds had been glocked, so I am going to take that to the next big gun show and trade for powder.
I'll try pretty much anything as long as it looks reasonably good...

Except, of course, for stuff that's known to be bad, like TZ 80 7.62x51mm brass...

And also, of course, any A-MERC brass, which I immediately throw in the scrap bucket...

Some Glock fired brass has more of a bulge at the base than others. It's because some Glock chambers aren't as supported as others.
I've picked up a few pieces of A-MERC brass on the range and had no trouble cycling it through my HK.

Pieces with glock smiles and square firing pin marks go in the scrap barrel. They tend to get hung up and cause FTE's even with a decent resizing.
Way overly picky for the vast majority of uses. The one exception is for Bullseye where I use the same brand of brass and ensure it's in good condition (I even weigh and separate the brass for a big Bullseye match). But for EVERYTHING else (IPSC, IDPA, Home Defense, Plinking, etc.), if it goes through the guage and isn't split, I use it. I've NEVER had a round cause a malfunction using this method.
I've picked up a few pieces of A-MERC brass on the range and had no trouble cycling it through my HK

Friends don't let friends load A-Merc. MOst people have found them to be on the thin and brittle side.
The only ones I pitch are the ones that have a lot of corrosion stains on the outside even after tumbling. Those worry me a bit, I figger they may be weak or scratch my chamber upon extraction. Other than that, everything gets loaded, at least for .45.
A-MERC brass... I've not had any serious issues with it. Had ONE primer flash hole so off center it would not deprime. I've tossed more WIN brass than A_MERC.
I don't even bother to sort it out. Honestly, I don't see why people rant about it so much.
It's not as pretty as my favorite (CBC) but it loads fine.
A-merc is complete CRAP
it is the only cases i find in 223 range pickup that have split necks, and their pisto1 rounds have trouble seating the primers.
if it says amerc, i cull it out and recycle it with the rest of the garbage
You are NOT being too careful...It's a good idea to sort the scratched or dented ones out and toss them...I have a better idea...Send them to me and I'll dispose of them properly for you...:D
Like others have noted, I toss anything with the A-MERC headstamp. I picked up a few .45 cases of that brand and could literally squeeze the case mouth shut between my thumb and forefinger. I've also seen lots of off center flash holes in those cases. Some of their cases, maybe even most of them, are usable, but I prefer to avoid them.

Other than that, I reject anything that is dented to the point that there's a "crease" in the brass.
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