Examples of Registration leading to Confiscation

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Dec 28, 2002
Minnesota - nine months of ice and snow...three mo
Please post your examples of firearms registration leading to confiscation.

In this thread,


it is pointed out that it was the Wiemar Republic, not the Nazis who required registration of firearms in Germany after WW1.

Regardless of who implemented this registration scheme, the Nazis used it to disarm Jews and other "undesirables".

Let's compile a list of all places where registration has led to confiscation of firearms. Use it whenever anyone even mentions registration.
The people's republics of California and NYC did some confiscation.

I don't have the details (sorry) but I seem to remember that Cleveland had some sort of registration & confiscation program for "saturday night specials" back in the 70's . . . .
NYC confiscates on a daily basis

Its really nothing new here. Your permit expires or is accidentally canceled (or maliciously cancelled) and 6 heavily armed NYPD officers show up at your house. This is common practice and I know several people who have had this happen to them.

More recently the ATF has been getting hold of 4473s from Long Island gun dealers and is going door to door looking for anyone from NYC who purchased a gun in the last year and has an Arab sounding last name. I must say that the BATF has been a lot friendlier than the NYPD in their door to door visits.

This is fact.
NYC registered long guns circa 1966, promising 7 ways to Sunday that it was only to be able to trace crime guns, not for confiscation. Along comes David Dinkins, NY's worst mayor in living memory (and that says a LOT), who decided in 1991 to ban "assault weapons." Everyone who registered in '66 with a semi-auto got a letter telling them to either sell it, get the gun out of the city, destroy it (and prove it), or risk getting a knock on the door. My understanding is that quite a few people got the knock, and had to surrender their firearms. So much for trusting government.

Of course, the primary example is Germany. Yes, Weimar Germany registered the guns, but when the Nazis came into power, they had a bunch of neat and orderly (they were Germans, after all!) lists of gun owners and their guns. Needless to say, any on the list who weren't Nazis very soon thereafter became former gun owners (and, in some cases, former people). The same thing happened in Austria when the Germans took over, as well as in several other gun-phobic countries in Europe.

Waiting to see what happens in Kanuckistan....
It has happened in California, Austrailia, New York, Canada, Britian, I think maybe in Washington DC. I also think parts kits have been seized by the ATF from private persons, I am not positive though.
2A Permit

pinblaster said:

The 2A should be your CCW permit .

Now THAT's the spirit! Welcome to THR pinblaster...I like the way you think.

The Second Amendment says that we have the RIGHT to keep and bear arms. I read that as..."Own and Carry"...and it doesn't specify how that
those arms may be kept and carried, nor does it specify any difference between military and sporting arms...


Pinblaster said: "The 2A should be your CCW permit ."

A generalized blanket statement like that could never stand. So, including felons, sociopaths, psychopaths,drug addicts and mentally deranged? The 2A means ALL people, right?
A generalized blanket statement like that could never stand. So, including felons, sociopaths, psychopaths,drug addicts and mentally deranged? The 2A means ALL people, right?

A felon is someone who broke a law, ilregardless if that law should be on the books or not. Define sociopath, psychopath, and mentally deranged. Some shrinks will define desire to own guns as deranged. And the last, are you saying that someone who smokes or drinks cola soda shouldn't be allowed to own guns?

Gene, try not to be reasonable, it offends the absolutists who just cover their ears and eyes and make a lot of noise.

Besides, your on a "GUN" Board...that means you must "OBEY" the holy scripture..."Anybody can own and carry anything at anytime becasue its a right"..if ya dont absolutely agree with this, you commit "THOUGHTCRIME" and, you are a "traitor" who will be "HUNG" when we war against the JBTs who seek to usurp our rights......

Almost like going to a Stalinist web site!

Ahhh, frenchy, that explains alot.

Yeah, I guess it's too much thought process to make the connection between a generalized concept and the laws it takes to actually make it happen in a free and diversified culture. I don't know, but in my state, the 2A DOES translate into a CCW.
Thought I might add, registration is allowed by the 2nd Amendment. Basicly, it's just the cataloging of firearms and their owners. If it was used in such a way, there would be fewer firearm crimes and with a properly running database, crimes committed with firearms could be solved at a quicker pace.

Now that some people are gasping for air... The reality is, it won't work and the various local governments have turned it into a means of restrictions on civilian ownership. Add to this the fact that the government doesn't know how to run a properly made database (otherwise there wouldn't be incorrect background check denials) and you have a time bomb waiting to happen. It all comes down to trust, and the government seems to have lost that a long time ago by abusing the system.

BTW, anyone know the legalities involved in charging for ccw permit or any other fees related to firearms? They passed an amendment against charging for voting since it was a constitutional right, how is charging $200 for a tax stamp or $50 for a ccw any different?
Blanket Statements

The quote:

A generalized blanket statement like that could never stand. So, including felons, sociopaths, psychopaths,drug addicts and mentally deranged? The 2A means ALL people, right?

And lets have a show of hands from all who believe that the lack of a CCW permit would prevent felons, sociopaths, drug addicts and mentally deranged people from carrying concealed weapons...

I think that the "Shall Issue" provision should be "Shall not Refuse to Issue on Demand" for all those who apply, provided that there is no record of
any of the above, nor any outward sign that any mental derangement or substance abuse is noted by the issuing agent. If you qualify for a pistol permit, and show that you have completed a training course, the CCW permit should be issued on the spot for the 5-dollar background check fee. I also believe that a permit issued in one state should be honored in all states and U.S. territories...and it should be kept at state level. Federal
fingerprint checks don't need to state a reason or a name for the check,
nor do nationwide criminal history checks.



I believe it was Yogi Berra who said "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is."

My point? Look at those states which do not require a permit to carry a handgun, to see if gangs of foaming-mouthed drug addicted sociopsychopaths are terrorizing the population. Vermont is one. Isn't there another?

Notwithstanding "being reasonable," if it works, it works.


I understand registration has led to "turn-'em-in" letters in PRK and NY. But I am skeptical of claims the police or ATF have conducted door-to-door searches or inquiries strictly based on registration.
Gene- A felon, by definition, is someone whose civil rights have been suspended because of a crime they committed. In other words, committing a felony means an automatic suspension of your civil rights.

Yeah, Wildyouradherealaska, we're just a bunch of kneejerk reactionaries incapable of thinking for ourselves. I'm so glad you're here to shine your wonderful beam of sanctimonious enlightenment on us all.
Gene- A felon, by definition, is someone whose civil rights have been suspended because of a crime they committed. In other words, committing a felony means an automatic suspension of your civil rights.

Actully that should read as: "A felon by definition is someone whose civil rights have been suspended because of a LAW they have broken. Committing a crime and breaking a law are two diffente things.

I commit a crime when I voliate the rights of a fellow citizen, such as stealing from him or attacking him. Now is owning a post-ban standerd magazine a crime? Whose's rights will you voliate by having one?

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