experiencing a twilight zone moment with chrono

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Apr 8, 2011
New Mexico
I've been trying to clear the memory of my shooting chrony beta master. I tried doing it from what I remember unsuccessfully but ended up just getting the manual out again and cleared the permanenet memory successfully.....

Here's the twilight zone moment....I could have sworn I was able to save 10 strings of 10 shots each from before. but now I'm only getting 6 strings. I've looked at the manual online and it does say the beta stores 60 shots in 10 rd strings. Doesn't say anything about the beta master. I looked at some of my reloading data and I did see where I had up to 8 strings recorded before I wrote down the data in my logbook. (I've never had to use up all 10 strings at one time)

Am I getting crazy ? If not what happened? I don't necessarily want to upgrade to 100 string shot memory I'm happy enough with 10 strings.

can other beta master chrony users tell me how many strings their machine can store?
I did have the manual but just tried to do it from memory unsuccessfully and then followed the manual clearing it. What puzzles me is that I thought I had up to 10 strings for storage but now I have six and even in the manual it says 60 shots in 6 numbered strings for beta and beta master chrony.

If it wasn't Saturday I would have called the company.
Aha!!!! I wasn't crazy. I just saw in the post about beta master chronic down that he had upgraded from 10 ten round strings to 100 ten round strings. So I did have 10 strings before. But I still don't know what happened . Will try calling the company when I'm not at work.
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