Explosive Materials Background Check Act

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Dec 16, 2005
Not sure of the right forum for this (Handloading and Reloading?), but the mods can move it if they decide it fits elsewhere. TTAG is reporting that the "Explosive Materials Background Check Act" would severely restrict or limit access to powder for reloading:
Here’s what I take away from this . . .

  • Requires those who want to use black or smokeless powder to obtain a “limited” explosives license. ANY AMOUNT OF LOOSE BLACK OR SMOKELESS POWDER WOULD REQUIRE SUCH A PERMIT. Commercial small arms ammunition (finished cartridges) is exempt. For now.
  • The bill redefines “manufacturer” in terms of explosives to mean anyone who makes something that goes boom, even if it isn’t for sale or profit. Previously, you needed to be “in the business” of manufacturing to qualify as a manufacturer, which means making a profit from your endeavors. As the current law makes the manufacture of an explosive without a license illegal, this is pretty clearly a stab at making tannerite and other binary explosives that people assemble themselves illegal.
  • It expands the factors that would exclude someone from purchasing “explosive materials” to include those who have a restraining order against them.
  • Restricts those who are suspected of being terrorists or on one of the many secret terrorist watch lists from obtaining a license for explosive materials, turning the “shall issue” explosives permit process into a “may issue” permit at the Attorney General’s discretion. And they don’t have to tell you why you were denied, or provide a means of redress.
In short, it looks like this bill is specifically designed to restrict the ability of those who load their own ammunition or use black powder firearms from buying the components that fuel their activities.

Is anybody else as alarmed about this as I am? Seems to me it bears watching, and at some point, pestering your Senate and House members to oppose it.
Done. Somebody level headed (Sam? Robert?) please let me know if I get tin-foil crazy, ok? But my worry is that Lautenberg isn't nutty- he's thinking ahead.

I worry that in the wake of their failure to severely restrict gun ownership at a federal level, the antis are now laying the groundwork for UBCs on purchase of ammunition and NFA registry-style control over its manufacture (reloading).

They can't grab the guns - so they're gonna try for the bullets.
Lautenberg introduced a similar proposal in 2003 as part of his “Homeland Security Gun Safety Act of 2003.”

This is likely a part of his last hurrah as he winds up his undistinguished US Senate career. Expect his staff to dust off lots of other dumb ideas he's had over the years.
Wrote my reps. Everyone else should do the same, spread the word to your friends and at your local gunshop.

If this were to pass, pretty soon it would be 'amended' to include a limit on the powder in the factory ammo as well (how much ammo you're allowed to own).
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