Facebook deletes pro-gun groups

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Panic and indignation on Gunnutz about it too. Very decided, 'Who cares?' responses. Facebook is a kid's site anyway.
"...hawking there..." Their stuff, perhaps?
Kids site? Why do the Terms of Service restrict kids?

BTW, in Michigan, a 'kid' as young as 16 can legally purchase a long gun in private transactions. I'm sure other states also have considerations for minors purchasing firearms. Kentucky did when I lived there.
Although Facebook never interested me, thank you for announcing this agenda among its owners.

I always find your deep knowledge of gun issues interesting.
thank you for announcing this agenda among its owners.

At this point, I think its too soon to accuse anyone of any specific agenda without knowing all the facts at hand. AS many have chimed in, many other pages are still active, and this doens't seem like an attack on guns or gun rights, but rather the selling of firearms under certain situations or conditions. Lets not make accusations until all facts are known
RustyShackelford says; "I don't use it & never really felt the need.
When billionaire Mark Zuckerberg told Today's Matt Lauer that Facebook owns all the content & can do whatever they want with it, I said: nope.

That's almost exactly the way I feel about FB; (especially about Mark Zuckerburg:) did I mis-spell his name? Good.......I can't stand him anyway!

Even though I don't use FB myself, my wife does; she keeps track of her son and his family in Illinois, and also he son and his wife in California via FB. I don't know anyone who uses it for any kind of business. Actually, I think it's a pretty good thing, (but I STILL can't stand the dork who started it. ) (Much like Micro Soft)
It is Facebook.
It is a business selling information to advertisers and clients.
It is not a gun chat/trade room. They can close anything they wish to close.

In a few years and you'll remember Facebook almost as often as you do MySpace.

FB has a great deal of firearms content. The NRA, Gun Talk, GOA and others routinely provide content. I wonder if the "wallers" are even aware of that?
Amazingly they have not nuked the horse auction sites or other commerce related sites that I have seen.
I too think that FB has will begin a decline although it will remain a force for a time. Younger kids may still have a page but rarely use it. I know this because I have three kids from 25 down to 14 and they virtually never go on FB anymore. About half of my FB friends are friends of my kids and I rarely see any posts from them either. I haven't done any calculations but of my 250 or so friends probably 100 of them are high school or college aged kids and I usually don't see a single post from them all day. In a normal day I will see probably 100 posts and virtually all of them will be from people over 40. Is that a bad thing?
FB is a public company and pressure will mount. They say they have over a billion users but I wonder how many of those are actively using the site. I do know that many of my friends spend and inordinate amount of time on the site.
I just checked my Facebook gun B/S/T pages that I am a member of. I don't remember how many I am on but there are 27 of them up and running right now. Most have buy, sell trade in their name.
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